Shibari Class February/March

Tuesday February 21, 2023
Wednesdays March 8 + 22, 2023

The course Beginner with Previous Experience is directed at learning the basics of Shibari/Kinbaku technique. We start systematically with efficient handling of body, rope, and safety principles (knots, wrapping and friction). The material contains a wide range of harnesses for floor work. Understanding restriction from the models perspective, and the complex skill set of the rigger, to create erotic phantasies or a meditative tie.

E267 (AT)


Von Wasser zu Suppe

In einer erstmaligen Kollaboration arbeiten die Choreographin Dasniya Sommer, die Tänzerin Tara Jade Samaya die Tanzdramaturgin Juli Reinartz und der Performer Michael Schumacher an der egalitären Entwicklung einer originären Performancesprache, die das Verhältnis von un/gesunder Ernährung und normierenden Körperbildern von Menschen mit/ohne (sichtbarer) Behinderung reflektiert. Dabei ist es besonders der gesellschaftliche Stellenwert von Essen, der  als theatrale Metapher genutzt wird. Ausgangspunkte des Prozesses sind die künstlerischen Kontexte der drei Tanzschaffenden, sowie das virtuose Sprech- und Sprachverständnis des Darstellers M. Schumacher / Meine Damen und Herren Ensemble.

INITIAL 2 – Neue Kooperationen. Ein Sonderstipendium der Akademie der Künste zur Förderung der Entwicklung und Recherche künstlerischer Projekte während der COVID-19-Pandemie im Rahmen von NEUSTART KULTUR.

Photos by Pippa Samaya.


December 20th 2022

The course Beginner with Previous Experience is directed at learning the basics of Shibari/Kinbaku technique. We start systematically with efficient handling of body, rope, and safety principles (knots, wrapping and friction). The material contains a wide range of harnesses for floor work. Understanding restriction from the models perspective, and the complex skill set of the rigger, to create erotic phantasies or a meditative tie.

In the picture: Eliko.

Autonomous Avatar

Rehearsing for AUTONOMOUS AVATAR  by Tobias Staab, a rather complex dance / AI project. A little overwhelming but certainly inspiring to animate butoh-inspired digital avatars on Nadja Sophie Eller’s stage. I am looking much forward to be performing with Corey Scot Gilbert in the full dome Planetarium Bochum.

avatar (/ˈavətɑː/)

1. Hinduism: a manifestation of a deity or released soul in bodily form on earth; an incarnate divine teacher.

2. an icon or figure representing a particular person in a video game, internet forum, etc.

Machines learn to walk, dance … think. Who can still distinguish whether a human or a computer is speaking or writing? In times of Deep Fake, can images still be trusted? Power relations are becoming relative. We have known for a long time that everything we read also reads us. But how intelligent is “artificial intelligence”?
AUTONOMOUS AVATAR poses questions about subjectivity and autonomy, control and subjugation in the context of an immersive dance performance. Live dancers encounter their human and their digital bodies.
The interdisciplinary project tries to make the relationship between human and technology sensually tangible and to connect it for the first time with the recently gained possibilities of a dialogue with an Artificial Intelligence.


Direction, Text, Concept: Tobias Staab
The choreography was developed in close collaboration between Tobias Staab and the dancers Dasnyia Sommer and Corey Scott-Gilbert.
Performers: Corey Scott-Gilbert & Dasniya Sommer
Voice: Sandra Hüller
3D-Design: Luis August Krawen
Music: Beni Brachtel
Stage Design & Concept: Nadja Sofie Eller
Costume Design: Annika Lu Hermann
Motion Capturing: Warja Rybakova
Light Design: Matthias Singer
Fulldome Expert: Tobias Wiethoff

Funded by: Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien / NEUSTART KULTUR, Dachverband Tanz Deutschland / Tanz:digital
Produced with support by: DOCKdigitalLab, Planetarium Bochum


November 22nd, 2022

The course Beginner with Previous Experience is directed at learning the basics of Shibari/Kinbaku technique. We start systematically with efficient handling of body, rope, and safety principles (knots, wrapping and friction). The material contains a wide range of harnesses for floor work. Understanding restriction from the models perspective, and the complex skill set of the rigger, to create erotic phantasies or a meditative tie.

Fleetstreet Residenz

Very lucky to start working with Michael Schumacher/Meine Damen und Herren Ensemble on Glutamat 2.
It has been a long way to make this collaboration happen. Our research is based on combining Michaels text performance and his auratic presence when he speaks with different movement approaches. We developed a way to dance and rope-tie together, and some dramatic scenes with somewhat absurd poetry. There have been scenic ideas for a Care-Pas de Deux, plenty of sculpturous moments, and a wellness noodle bath.
We continue working on the material all through the year for a show in 2023.

Many thanks to Meine Damen und Herren, especially to Christoph Grothaus and Simone Burkhardt. And to Mark and Sina Schröppel.

Supported by Fleetstreet Theatre Hamburg, the Hamburgische Kulturstiftung, Kulturbehörde Hamburg and the Rudolf Augstein Stiftung .

Shibari class September

September 13th, 2022

The course Beginner with Previous Experience is directed at learning the basics of Shibari/Kinbaku technique. We start systematically with efficient handling of body, rope, and safety principles (knots, wrapping and friction). The material contains a wide range of harnesses for floor work. Understanding restriction from the models perspective, and the complex skill set of the rigger, to create erotic phantasies or a meditative tie.

For more information and workshops please scroll up.

Shibari Class July

July 19th, 2022

Because of a Corona infection the workshop will be postponed by one week to Tuesday July 26th!!

The course Beginner with Previous Experience is directed at learning the basics of Shibari/Kinbaku technique. We start systematically with efficient handling of body, rope, and safety principles (knots, wrapping and friction). The material contains a wide range of harnesses for floor work. Understanding restriction from the models perspective, and the complex skill set of the rigger, to create erotic phantasies or a meditative tie.