Hi Shibari people and friends,
there are still no group classes taking place in January. If you like to organize a private tuition please drop me an email.
Hoping to touch base again soon and warm vibes and wishes for 2021!
The intermediate class focusses on floor work and introduces half- and/or full-suspension technique. You need to know basic shibari, firm column ties and A suspendable TK (box tie/gote).
We look closely at the tension of harnesses and test if they are suspendable. Lock-off techniques for half-/suspension, up-lines on ring, and in the second step on bamboo.
The material also contains: safety principles like general friction, pain processing strategies for the model, and sculpting the body in the air.
We recommend to attend this class with a partner. If you don’t have a partner, or if you are not sure about the level please contact us.
The beginner course is directed at learning the basics of Shibari/Kinbaku technique. We start systematically with efficient handling of body, rope, and safety principles. The material contains a wide range of harnesses for floor work. Understanding restriction from the models perspective, and the complex skill set of the rigger, to create erotic phantasies or a meditative tie.
– Please bring soft clothes and ropes if you have.
– You don’t need to sign up for all three dates. Its a drop in class.
If possible I suggest regular participation and repitition at the beginning to create a solid technical base.
– You can register alone or with a partner. If you come alone you can pair up with each other, and in case there is an odd number of people we usually make a trio, or I jump in. It always works out. :)
– Costs 20 Euro per person
Register beforehand:
workshops@dasniyasommer.de or DM on FB at haussommer
+49 174 393 70 49
Costs: 20 Euro per person
10 class card 160 €
Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt – Wedding Uferstrasse 8,13357 Berlin. Entrance B6
Call this number in case the door is locked: +49 174 3937049
Map here
There was no way I head back to Berlin without meeting the maestre! He didn’t have much time, and I decided to take a private lesson with him and Iroha. Yea, every minute was worth the penny! They were watching a new dvd when I arrived. Discussing how to turn it into a show. It pictured Iroha suspended in a dark shadowed teahouse.. . Vincent, a tall charmig Frechman was there to translate, we talked for a while befor getting on to the ropes.
I should start tying, he said, since never he saw me rigging, only ‘modeling’ for Tam.
Its ok to be nervous, he said, and I went for something simple, a sitting position in the air. He liked the shapes of the legs, and from there it developed into kind of labing session. He took over and transitioned Iroha, adjusting my lines, it was beautiful somehow.
Second part was a ‘third rope’ intensive, feeling a little honoured to work on his partner and his gote, he often interrupted me, took the rope from my hands, interesting somehow.
This coming week I am teaching in Amsterdam (inbetween performing in the Fringe Festival!). I’ll post more information here shortly. If you’d like to attend either a public workshop or class, or arrange a private group or individual training with me, drop me an email: workshops@dasniyasommer.de. I’m also available for private sessions this week and next. Hope to see you!
Saturday I met with Lun Ario, Schnucki Rennpferd & Chiara for a rope bondage afternoon.
We exchanged new insights, us showing a front to side progression, and shortcuts for suspension.
They showed a three rope Semenawa Kasumi style and a flute suspension. Much liked when Lun Ario tied Schnucki and I just watch and enjoy :)
After a full week of workshops and rehearsals at the NYXXX collective at Rökridån, Frances and I had worked on a couple of new performance ideas with ropes and with masks. This is a slightly new enterprise I started in recent performances. Exploring the theatricality using latex masks. There is a distinct perception of the material and the combination with domestic settings and quotidian actions, which I think are worth investigating. The way we used them, they generated a sort of anthropomorphic quality in the movement and the reading of animal relationships. It was not about animal play though. They are also an interesting tool to generate choreography from a different mode of body awarness, because of the slight deprivation of either the eye sight, or the hearing ability. How do we move, dance if these primary senses for orientation are reduced? How do we eat, bike, wait and so on.
Two weeks ago I taught a workshop at Meg Stuarts/Damaged Goods new production ‘Until Our Hearts Stop’, dealing with topics around intimicy. After a three hour warm up, they got the masks to improvise, and most dancers were in one or the other way flashed or inspired. Mostly I think they experienced a certain freedom and strangeness in motoric impulses. Allowing a strange way to move and a different sense for timing. Something shifts when the cat, pig or the dog become personalities. When they encounter or make human decisions. We will continue this research! Here are a couple sweet moments from the performance.
Hours: 7-11 pm
Costs: 20 Euro for the evening.
At Teatris/Alte Kantine or in our ‘Mini- Dojo’. Both locations are at
Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt in Wedding. Staircase b/c, Uferstraße 8-11, 13357 Berlin
U8 Pankstr/U9 Osloerstr
Please call when you are in the court yard, in case you don’t find it, or the door is locked:
+ 49 174 393 70 49.
– Yoga can be done separately from the Shibari part. Hours: 7-8.45 pm. Info here – For the Shibari class you can but don’t need to bring a partner.
– If possible bring your own ropes and a yoga mat, if you don’t have any, we will provide them.
-Please also bring a collective snack for the pause.
The workshop combines yoga and the Japanese rope technique ‘Shibari’. First, we do yoga to develop a sense of our own body anatomy; the simultaneous perception of one’s own breathing and bodymap is therefore important. In doing so, we can better empathise with another body while in the play of rope. In some asanas (yoga postures) ropes are integrated, or we tie ourselves from the start and do yoga while in a foot or breast-harness. The touch of the material helps clarify one’s investigation of the posture, and mixes the sensual and manual skills of bodies and ropes.
In the second part we come to mix different rope techniques and stir things up. For Shibari figure technique, we are guided by the precision and acrobatic art of Osada Steve, while Arisue Go’s philosophy is particularly suitable for beginners and can give impetus to explore one’s own ideas,
We ourselves have developed in recent years, a technique that we call messy tying. Traditional elements are retained here and combined with improvisation principles; the apparent order in the inner chaos is a kind of punk bondage! We also work with a feminist attitude towards Shibari: if porn, then please be sure to view a feminist porn! Everyone ties everyone, and male bodies captivated and tied is also sexy! For neat and clean tying and rope work in these workshops, we will also be covering the basic knots, fundamentals for breast-harness, and suspension and safety principles.
In pair or group situations in which we develop a bodily conversation, we see expressions of queer, grotesque or purely abstract play language. This may create relaxing and sometimes uninterpretable compositions of sensory stimuli, or also symbolically charged moments. We work here as well with methods drawn from dance and contact improvisation, and elements from role-playing games.
Since the level of the participants in yoga, games, and rope-work are always different, we work from the first on the level of personal experience. We also always give individual instructions.
Workshop 1: Yoga & Shibari Weekend Workshop 19th-21st July
Beginning Friday evening, the 19th July and continuing till Sunday evening, the 21st July, Dasniya will be working with the workshop participants on various rope and Shibari themes. These themes will be orientated to the experience and itnerests of the participants.
Yoga + Shibari
Basic knots, rope work, and harnesses for beginners
Improvisation, messy bondage, group play, and improvisation
Friday 19th July,18-23h
Saturday 20th July,12-19h
Sunday21st July,12-19h
€120/90 for entire workshop
€90 for two days
Non-refundable deposit of € 50 to reserve a place
Workshop 2: Yoga & Shibari Tuesday evening 23rd July
This four-hour evening workshop is for those who would like to try out, and for all those who simply would like an evening of Yoga & Shibari as we do in the regular Berlin classes.
Date, Time, & Cost:
Tuesday, 23rdJuly,19-23h
Workshop 3: Private Classes
For those who would like individual, couple, or small group private sessions, classes, and training, these will be possible to arrange from July 22nd-27th. The cost starts from €80 for 3 hours, after discussion.
The photos are from a private coaching session with the aerial artist Emiliano Ron this July. It was still new to try how the different rope practices work together. He would change from highly acrobatic aerial rope tricks to self– suspension figures, to complete passive hanging qualities. It was super pretty and exciting to watch how he bridges his field of expertise and the Shibari knots, which were newer to him. It seems a very logical combination, and a progression in terms of moving, dancing and flying… . Something that I first tried with Emily Aoibheann from the ‘Paperdolls’ last year. In the end we stuck some bamboo in the mess, which gave some support to sit or stand on in the air, but also made the whole thing a very unpredictable kind of moving sculpture. Funny enough knowing how this feels from my performance ‘x=bô’, it is much ‘safer’ to dance in this mess with closed eyes, and to more rely on the tactile senses and their memories about where the sticks are, and how they behave as one moves through them.
Self Suspension/Aerial work, Emiliano Ron/Dasniya Sommer Berlin 2013 – 1
Self Suspension/Aerial work, Emiliano Ron/Dasniya Sommer Berlin 2013 – 2
Self Suspension/Aerial work, Emiliano Ron/Dasniya Sommer Berlin 2013 – 3
Self Suspension/Aerial work, Emiliano Ron/Dasniya Sommer Berlin 2013 – 4