Staging Shibari #1

The workshop, a fun experiment on 30 square meters. Ballhaus Ost borrowed lights, Uferstudios a dimmer, I threw  costumes ropes and make up in. Us 10 people figured our roles for the evening as light performance-, camera-, fog- person, singer or audience. Squeezing through my tiny dojo in Uferhallen, which currently looks more like a suspension point forrest.
We started by talking and gathering ideas, I assigned tasks to the riggers and models, we had to find a group timing, and everyone went to find small stories with their partner.
It was exciting and tricky to handle light without distance to the scene. More fog! I was hectically torn between photographing, arranging and watching, and super happy to have such great technicians in the group shibari- and stagewise.
Some hidden talents! :) There was precise as well as messy tying going on.
Within our 30 minutes sequence there were moments when things came together, when stillness took place between the three hanging bodies, and Micha started singing. Here some moments..

Meanwhile New Shibari input

Saturday I met with Lun Ario, Schnucki Rennpferd & Chiara for a rope bondage afternoon.
We exchanged new insights, us showing a front to side progression, and shortcuts for suspension.
They showed a three rope Semenawa Kasumi style and a flute suspension. Much liked when Lun Ario tied Schnucki and I just watch and enjoy :)

Teaching Profi – Ballet in March

The next two upcoming Mondays I will substitute Profi – Ballet training at Center of Dance /Kulturbrauerei for Yuko Sato.

On March 14 & 21, 2016
Begin: 12 h – 12.30 h
Costs: 7 €

Schönhauser Allee 36,
Entrance: Knaackstrasse 97/ Sredzkistrasse 1, court yard of Kulturbrauerei
U-Bahn: U2 Eberswalderstraße

The class is inspired by American ballet technique and David Howards approach. Its economic principals to map the body for the ballet repertory. It is also based on my practice as classical dancer and yoga teacher.
We emphasise on breathing in motion, on complex yet organic coordination, and on movement sequences, which allow for musical precision, groove and joy.
The sensory and skeletal perception of movement play an important role, so that dancers connect to kinetic sensation rather than external shaping.
The class is accessible to both ballet but also more contemporary trained dancers.

Over 25 years Dasniya has collected different styles and dance concepts. Her first trainings she received in Berlin and New York, at Ballett-Akademie Vogl, with the State Ballet Berlin and at Dance New Amsterdam. With Zwi Gotheiner, Janett Panetta, Jo Siska, Susan Klein, etc.
Since 2008 Dasniya choreographs and has since collaborated and tought in various projects.
A.o. with Helena Waldmann, Romeo Castellucci, Schubot/Gradinger, Damaged Goods, Das Helmi, Deutsche Oper Berlin and currently for Veit Sprenger (Showcase beat le Mot).

In Buddhism the dancer is a cup, containing the individual vibe and the milions of steps a body can do.

Two Shibari Workshops in February 2016

1. Yoga and Shibari

17th February, Wednesday
Costs: 40 Euro per person (social price 30 Euro)

At Teatris/Alte Kantine or in our ‘Mini- Dojo’. Both locations are at
Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt in Wedding. Staircase b/c, Uferstraße 8-11, 13357 Berlin
U8 Pankstr/U9 Osloerstr
Please call when you are in the court yard, in case you don’t find it, or the door is locked:
+ 49 174 393 70 49.



NEWS: Please know that costs have has changed to 40 Euro per person, thank you!
Roughly the schedule will be this:

19 – 20 h           yoga warm up
20 – 20.30        pause
20.30 – 22        shibari/technical input
22- 23 h           open space to play and exchange ideas or just watching.

2. Staging Shibari

23rd February, Tuesday
7-11 pm

Costs: 40 Euro per person (social price 30 Euro)

At Teatris/Alte Kantine or in our ‘Mini- Dojo’. Both locations are at
Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt in Wedding. Staircase b/c, Uferstraße 8-11, 13357 Berlin
U8 Pankstr/U9 Osloerstr
Please call when you are in the court yard, in case you don’t find it, or the door is locked:
+ 49 174 393 70 49.


Our performance baby ‘Shibari Express’ is growing, and we want to focus more on performance ideas as part of the workshop, than on basic rope technique. So previous knowledge is useful but not mandatory. If you prefer to watch, we will always need free hands to hold a light, fog machine or navigate a camera…

We want to invite you to brainstorm with us, ideas or dramaturgy and how to try those on a small scale. You could also bring an instrument, books or other devices, which you always have wanted to tie up or perform with.

The scenes that we create explore theatre tools and can be happening-like, installational or movement based/choreographies. Its an experiment to involve poetic thoughts around rope work, and to have an open space situation to try Shibari for the stage. There will always be someone of our team, or other free floating participants to support you, unless you want to make a solo :)

Sounds all more challenging than it is..its about searching new forms and having fun!

Compound Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt
Compound Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt

Yoga Shibari Pause + October Performances

Dear Friends, Bondagisti and Dancers,

after a summer away in France and Switzerland in film and theatre, I’m back in Berlin for more performing, sadly not teaching.

  1. Yoga + Shibari Berlin Workshop Pause
  2. Untangle in the Schubot/Gradinger Werkschau, Tel Aviv, October 9
  3. Sündennacht! with Das Helmi, this weekend: October 3 + 4

Einen sonnigen & entspannten Oktober,


Das Helmi — Zirkus des Fortschritts

1. Yoga + Shibari Berlin Workshop Pause

A quick note to say I’m not teaching Yoga + Shibari classes in Berlin right now. I’ll announce upcoming classes here and on my mailing list.

2. Untangle in the Schubot/Gradinger Werkschau, Tel Aviv, October 9

I’ll be performing Untangle again with Angela Schubot and Jared Gradinger on October 9th. This time in Tel Aviv in the Tmuna Theatre, part of Moves Without Borders, a collaboration between Arkadi Zaides, Goethe-Institute Israel and others.

Friday, October 9th, 14:30
Tmuna Theatre
Soncino St 8
Tel Aviv-Yafo

Untangle. Angela Schubot, Jared Gradinger, Dasniya Sommer
Untangle. Angela Schubot, Jared Gradinger, Dasniya Sommer

3. Sündennacht! with Das Helmi, October 3 + 4

After a summer of Zirkus des Fortschritts, and Große Vögel Kleine Vögel with Das Helmi, this weekend I’m back with them again for Sündenstadt 1 and 2, based on Frank Miller’s Sin City early-’90s comics.

Die Sündenstadt der Helmis wird um die Vorstadt erweitert: Sehen und hören Sie in Sündenstadt 1 nun die Körper und Stimmen, die die Sündenstadt bevölkern. Begegnen Sie bekannten und überraschenden Charakteren, dem alten Kumpel Mary mit dem reinen Herzen unter dem Eimer Scheiße, dem gelben Bastard, dem alternden Cop und dem Boxer ohne Chance, all den schönen gefährlichen Frauen, den Psychologen und Bewährungshelferinnen, aber auch den ausgestorbenen Tieren und dem melancholischen Knollenblätterpilz, der als einziger die Wahrheit über die Sündenstadt kennt.

Sündenstadt 1 gleicht einem faszinierenden Tableau, in der Hölle und der Himmel der Freude zugleich erfahrbar werden. Mehr: Balhaus Ost

mit: burkart ellinghaus / florian loycke / felix loycke / brian morrow / dasniya sommer / emir tebatebai, sowie special guests
dramaturgie: fadrina arpagaus
puppen: florian loycke
regieassistenz: tancredi gusman

Sündenstadt 1
Friday 3rd + Saturday 4th October, 19:00
Sündenstadt 2
Friday 3rd + Saturday 4th October, 21:00
Ballhaus Ost
Pappelalle 15
10437 Berlin
U2 Eberswalderstrasse

9 euro for both shows, or 6 euro for one.

Das Helmi: Südenstadt 2
Das Helmi: Südenstadt 2

Performing Shibari Express @ UNITHEA #18

Performing at UNITHEA Festival in Frankfurth Oder at Theater des Lachens yesturday. This time with Schnucki das Rennpferd.

The audience was sitting on stage, close by, in a ritualistic way. I guess the challenge of this Shibari Express episode was to present the ‘male’ as the object of lust (is this correct English?;)

Exposing and exploring him/the ‘male’ body and its feminine side. Doing that in a floor work situation was more challenging than we thought. The last two gigs with Schnucki being suspended, overwrite a lot of the sensitive moments, and silent details. Its more spectacle. ‘But this one dealt with intimicy in a very different way’, we said, when the Polish journalist asking us later, while we were still pulling the ropes of the body.

UNITHEA is a German-Polish Theatre Festival, held in Frankfurth Oder, Edition #18. So the topic was somewhat becoming adult.

The folowing three hour workshop was very. 8 students did rope work for the first time, and there was a lot of laughing and chatting while step by step learning the technique.
Here some performance moments.

Yoga Shibari Workshop Berlin June 30. 2015

Hours: 7-11 pm

Costs: 30 Euro per person (social price 20 Euro)
At Teatris/Alte Kantine or in our ‘Mini- Dojo’. Both locations are at
Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt in Wedding. Staircase b/c, Uferstraße 8-11, 13357 Berlin
U8 Pankstr/U9 Osloerstr
Please call when you are in the court yard, in case you don’t find it, or the door is locked:
+ 49 174 393 70 49.



NEWS: Costs & program of the evening have has changed, please read below.
Roughly the schedule will be this:

19 – 20 h           yoga
20 – 20.30        pause
20.30 – 22        shibari/technical input
22- 23 h           open space to play and exchange ideas or just watching.

Plus we will go outdoors in the summer, or do experimental specials like
ropes & painting etc.

Our performance baby Shibari Express is growing, and we want to focus more on performance ideas as part of the workshop, than on basic rope technique. That means YOU – the participants who like – are invited to bring your ideas to the workshop. You could for example bring an instrument, books, pots or other devices, which you always have wanted to combine with rope work. (Sounds more challenging than it is :).

There will always be a small team or free floating people to stage/with, unless you want to make a solo :) This is an experiment to involve poetic/thatrical thoughts around rope work, and to have an open space situation to try out ideas.

Podcast: Ropes & Roles

Performance – Shibari Express
Performance – Shibari Express

Ebba, Tova & Gabriel host a conversation with the Berlin-based choreographers Dasniya Sommer and Frances d’Ath, that visited Nyxxx & KokoroTwo & Rökridån for a working residency the 28th of April-4th of May in 2015. When the conversation starts, we have just participated in a shibari yoga class guided by Dasniya. From this point of reference, we go on to discuss among many other things exoskeletons, religious metaphors and the invention of rope as a parallel to the invention of the wheel. Listen to the podcast here