Yoga Shibari Workshop July 27th

Wednesday, July 27th, 2016 at 6pm – 10pm

Costs: 40 Euro per person
Please register beforehand/ send an SMS!
General Description: in English and German.

18 – 19 h          yoga warm up
19 – 19.30        pause
19.30 – 21        shibari/technical input
21- 22 h           open space to play and exchange ideas or just watching.

Self-suspension Workshop in July

rehearsing for the monkey king gig
rehearsing for the monkey king gig

Fly high! This workshop answers all your questions on self-suspension technique. After a solid warm up we will look at different harnesses for your personal self-suspension.

The technique varies depending on its function and anatomy. It can be used for performing or simply as rope playing with a partner. We will look at safety tricks, breathing and progressions in the air.

For me self-suspension is also a performative tool for self-empowerment.
So when you are in the air, we will pace down, finding your personal rope dance and your own inner hero. 

Please bring comfortable clothes, a snack and ropes if you have, otherwise we provide them.

Thursday, July 14th
Hours: 12 -16h
Costs: 50 €
Where: Institute Sommer, Uferstrasse 8, 13357 Berlin. U8 Pankstrasse, U9 Osloerstrasse
(Enter the gate at the big bus, walk right to the building with the big watch, -> Left and immediately right up the small stairs ‘B’)

Please take this number in case the door is locked, 0174-3937049

Workshops in July


Every Tuesday:  July 5,19 & 26, 2016
Costs: 20 Euro per person
10 class card 160 €
@ Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt – Wedding. Uferstrasse 8,13357 Berlin. Entrance B
Take this number in case the door is locked: 0174-3937049

The workshop focusses on traditional Shibari technique. Inspired by my teachers Osada Steve, Kamijoo Saki, Arisue Go, Hourai Kasumi or Lun Ario. We start with the basics and security principles. Learning initial knots and floor work patterns with a partner. When these principles are set, we approach complex figures and suspension technique step by step. More Info

Staging Shibari: performance and pregnancy

Staging Shibari - by Institute Sommer
Staging Shibari - by Institute Sommer

We still have free places in the up-coming staging shibari workshop. The evening is organised as photo shooting and revolves around a pregnant protagonist this time. If this topic from a rope (-performance) view is interesting to you, or if you want to make a life-music contribution in the background please let us know. Extras and a peaceful audience is also welcome!

When: Friday, July 1st
Hours: 19 – 23h
Where: Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt – Aufgang B, Uferstrasse 8
Costs: 40 €
Questions to:



Every Tuesday:  June 7,14 & 28, 2016 (not on the 25th!)
Costs: 20 Euro per person
10 class card 160 €
@ Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt – Wedding.

The workshop focusses on traditional Shibari technique. Inspired by my teachers Osada Steve, Kamijoo Saki, Arisue Go, Hourai Kasumi or Lun Ario. We start with the basics and security principles. Learning initial knots and floor work patterns with a partner. When these principles are set, we approach complex figures and suspension technique step by step.

The workshop focusses on traditional Shibari technique. Inspired by Osada Steve, Kamijoo Saki, Arisue Go, Hourai Kasumi or Lun Ario. We start with the basics and security principles. Learning initial knots and floor work  patterns with a partner. When these principles are set, we approach more complex figures and suspension technique step by step.

Besides learning the knots, qualitative aspects play a great role as well. How do I guide the rope in a sensual way, how can my partner, or I, travel through blissful states of rope drunkenness?

To arrive there, it requires some training for both sides, ..softly gently catchee monkey.

Applying the three principles: the classical aesthetic, the sensual effect and a non-harming technique and philosophy, is the goal. They fuse the visual, tactile, and playful level into an adventurous ritual.

Girls girls, boys girls, non boys/girl, cis people everybody is welcome as long as you respect the group!

You don’t need to come with a partner. There always are other solo participants, or I jump in.
Please bring training-/comfortable pants. If you have own ropes, otherwise we provide them.


Wednesday, June 1st & 29th, 2016 at 6pm – 10pm
Costs: 40 Euro per person (social price 30 Euro)
Please register beforehand/ Send an SMS!
General Description: in English and German.

18 – 19 h          yoga warm up
19 – 19.30        pause
19.30 – 21        shibari/technical input
21- 22 h           open space to play and exchange ideas or just watching.


July 1st
7-11 pm
Costs: 40 Euro per person (social price 30 Euro)

Our performance  baby ‘Shibari Express’ is growing, and we want to focus more on performance ideas as part of the workshop, than on basic rope technique. So previous knowledge is useful but not mandatory. If you prefer to watch, we will always need free hands to hold a light, fog machine or navigate a camera…

We want to invite you to brainstorm with us, ideas or dramaturgy and how to try those on a small scale. You could also bring an instrument, books or other devices, which you always have wanted to tie up or perform with.

The scenes that we create explore theatre tools and can be happening-like, installations or movement based/choreographies. It’s an experiment to involve poetic thoughts around rope work, and to have an open space situation to try Shibari for the stage. There will always be someone of our team, or other free floating participants to support you, unless you want to make a solo :)

Sounds all more challenging than it is..its about searching new forms and having fun!

All workshops take place:
At Teatris/Alte Kantine or in our ‘Mini- Dojo’. Both locations are at
Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt in Wedding. Staircase B/C, Uferstraße 8-11, 13357 Berlin
U8 Pankstr/U9 Osloerstr
Please call when you are in the court yard, in case you don’t find it, or the door is locked:
+ 49 174 393 70 49.


3 Shibari Workshops in May


Every Tuesday: 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 May, and  June 7th
10am – 12 pm

Costs: 20 Euro per person
10 class card 160 €

The workshop focusses on traditional Shibari technique. Inspired by Osada Steve, Kamijoo Saki, Arisue Go, Hourai Kasumi or Lun Ario. We start with the basics and security principles. Learning initial knots and floor work  patterns with a partner. When these principles are set, we approach more complex figures and suspension technique step by step.

Besides learning the knots, qualitative aspects play a great role as well. How do I guide the rope in a sensual way, how can my partner, or I, travel through blissful states of rope drunkenness?

To arrive there, it requires some training for both sides, ..softly gently catchee monkey.

Applying the three principles: the classical aesthetic, the sensual effect and a non-harming technique and philosophy, is the goal. They fuse the visual, tactile, and playful level into an adventurous ritual.

Girls girls, boys girls, non boys/girl, cis people everybody is welcome as long as you respect the group!

You don’t need to come with a partner. There always are other solo participants, or I jump in.
Please bring training-/comfortable pants. If you have own ropes, otherwise we provide them.


25th May, Wednesday
6 – 10 pm
Costs: 40 Euro per person


18 – 19 h          yoga warm up
19 – 19.30        pause
19.30 – 21        shibari/technical input
21- 22 h           open space to play and exchange ideas or just watching.


May 27
7-11 pm
Costs: 40 Euro per person (social price 30 Euro)

Our performance  baby ‘Shibari Express’ is growing, and we want to focus more on performance ideas as part of the workshop, than on basic rope technique. So previous knowledge is useful but not mandatory. If you prefer to watch, we will always need free hands to hold a light, fog machine or navigate a camera…

We want to invite you to brainstorm with us, ideas or dramaturgy and how to try those on a small scale. You could also bring an instrument, books or other devices, which you always have wanted to tie up or perform with.

The scenes that we create explore theatre tools and can be happening-like, installations or movement based/choreographies. It’s an experiment to involve poetic thoughts around rope work, and to have an open space situation to try Shibari for the stage. There will always be someone of our team, or other free floating participants to support you, unless you want to make a solo :)

Sounds all more challenging than it is..its about searching new forms and having fun!

All workshops take place:
At Teatris/Alte Kantine or in our ‘Mini- Dojo’. Both locations are at
Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt in Wedding. Staircase B/C, Uferstraße 8-11, 13357 Berlin
U8 Pankstr/U9 Osloerstr
Please call when you are in the court yard, in case you don’t find it, or the door is locked:
+ 49 174 393 70 49.


4RUDE – crime and punishment

Breaking new soil with butoh last week. I attended a one week workshop lead by Mako and Hikaro Inagawa at Tatwerk. It was an ambitious enterprise,
which worked in the end :)
Nine participants, singers, performers, a care giver and philologist, eagerly absorbed the japanese performance tools, and 4RUDE‘s approach. Trying hard to make faces like rotten cows, breaking branches, or repeating spider walk over and over. It gave us a good muscle hangover!

About two month ago I started taking butoh classes. Looking for a change in my body and different imagery to dance from. I am discovering this, but allready it’s a beautiful contrast to the airborne ballet. Not striving for the sky,  but connecting with the soil, and giving topics around death for example a dancy form. Its also just fun, and maybe a return to expressionist dance.
The images we worked with are often short stories, so called Butoh-fu. A kind of vocabulary to generate creative mind states. From which than the physical expression comes. For example a room full of pollen, sneezing faces or a grave keeper calming a pack of barking dogs. Or a crayon, with a childish face, sort of asking what do I draw today?

All this to tell Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment. (Only part I, part II is following in November.)
In Hikaru’s work, there is seldomly one to one illustration of the narrative. This I already liked in their last piece CELLuLOID. Having a nice level of abstraction, and despite slow motion, an ongoing, dense concentration all the way through.

So, often there is stillness on the body surface, but internally we crossed the desert without water..




At: 10 -12 am
Tuesday 19 & 26 April
3, 10, 17, 24, 31 May
7 & 14 June

Costs: 20 Euro per person
10 class card 160 €

In Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt in Wedding. Staircase b, Uferstraße 8-11, 13357 Berlin
U8 Pankstr/U9 Osloerstr
Please call when you are in the court yard, in case you don’t find it, or the door is locked:
+ 49 174 393 70 49.



The workshop focusses on traditional Shibari technique. Inspired by Osada Steve, Kamijoo Saki, Arisue Go, Hourai Kasumi or Lun Ario. We start with the basics and security principles. Learning initial knots and floor work  patterns with a partner. When these principles are set, we approach more complex figures and suspension technique step by step.

Besides learning the knots, qualitative aspects play a great role as well. How do I guide the rope in a sensual way, how can my partner, or I, travel through blissful states of rope drunkenness?

To arrive there, it requires some training for both sides, ..softly softly catchee monkey.

Applying the three principles: the classical aesthetic, the sensual effect and a non-harming technique and philosophy, is the goal. They fuse the visual, tactile, and playful level into an adventurous ritual.

Girls girls, boys girls, non boys/girl, cis people everybody is welcome as long as you respect the group!

You don’t need to come with a partner. There always are other solo participants, or I jump in.
Please bring training-/comfortable pants. If you have own ropes, otherwise we provide them.


20th April, Wednesday
6 – 10 pm
Costs: 40 Euro per person (social price 30 Euro)

At Teatris/Alte Kantine or in our ‘Mini- Dojo’. Both locations are at:
Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt in Wedding. Staircase b/c, Uferstraße 8-11, 13357 Berlin
U8 Pankstr/U9 Osloerstr
Please call when you are in the court yard, in case you don’t find it, or the door is locked:
+ 49 174 393 70 49.



18 – 19 h          yoga warm up
19 – 19.30        pause
19.30 – 21        shibari/technical input
21- 22 h           open space to play and exchange ideas or just watching.


31st March, Thursday     Postponed to May 6th!!
7-11 pm
Costs: 40 Euro per person (social price 30 Euro)

At Teatris/Alte Kantine or in our ‘Mini- Dojo’. Both locations are at
Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt in Wedding. Staircase b/c, Uferstraße 8-11, 13357 Berlin
U8 Pankstr/U9 Osloerstr
Please call when you are in the court yard, in case you don’t find it, or the door is locked:
+ 49 174 393 70 49.


Our performance baby ‘Shibari Express’ is growing, and we want to focus more on performance ideas as part of the workshop, than on basic rope technique. So previous knowledge is useful but not mandatory. If you prefer to watch, we will always need free hands to hold a light, fog machine or navigate a camera…

We want to invite you to brainstorm with us, ideas or dramaturgy and how to try those on a small scale. You could also bring an instrument, books or other devices, which you always have wanted to tie up or perform with.

The scenes that we create explore theatre tools and can be happening-like, installations or movement based/choreographies. It’s an experiment to involve poetic thoughts around rope work, and to have an open space situation to try Shibari for the stage. There will always be someone of our team, or other free floating participants to support you, unless you want to make a solo :)

Sounds all more challenging than it is..its about searching new forms and having fun!

Staging Shibari #2

The second round of staging shibari workshop went a step further. Mainly I was interested in working with white face colour, somewhat butoh inspired, and trying new technical equipment. We now have a little studio with light control and black backdrop.
The group was smaller, 6 people, mostly new to shibari, some bold some shy, but in general calm, concentrated vibes were coming from the table scene.



23th March, Wednesday
Costs: 40 Euro per person (social price 30 Euro)

At Teatris/Alte Kantine or in our ‘Mini- Dojo’. Both locations are at
Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt in Wedding. Staircase b/c, Uferstraße 8-11, 13357 Berlin
U8 Pankstr/U9 Osloerstr
Please call when you are in the court yard, in case you don’t find it, or the door is locked:
+ 49 174 393 70 49.



NEWS: Please know that costs have has changed to 40 Euro per person, thank you!
Roughly the schedule will be this:

19 – 20 h           yoga warm up
20 – 20.30        pause
20.30 – 22        shibari/technical input
22- 23 h           open space to play and exchange ideas or just watching.


31st March, Thursday
7-11 pm

Costs: 40 Euro per person (social price 30 Euro)

At Teatris/Alte Kantine or in our ‘Mini- Dojo’. Both locations are at
Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt in Wedding. Staircase b/c, Uferstraße 8-11, 13357 Berlin
U8 Pankstr/U9 Osloerstr
Please call when you are in the court yard, in case you don’t find it, or the door is locked:
+ 49 174 393 70 49.


Our performance baby ‘Shibari Express’ is growing, and we want to focus more on performance ideas as part of the workshop, than on basic rope technique. So previous knowledge is useful but not mandatory. If you prefer to watch, we will always need free hands to hold a light, fog machine or navigate a camera…

We want to invite you to brainstorm with us, ideas or dramaturgy and how to try those on a small scale. You could also bring an instrument, books or other devices, which you always have wanted to tie up or perform with.

The scenes that we create explore theatre tools and can be happening-like, installational or movement based/choreographies. Its an experiment to involve poetic thoughts around rope work, and to have an open space situation to try Shibari for the stage. There will always be someone of our team, or other free floating participants to support you, unless you want to make a solo :)

Sounds all more challenging than it is..its about searching new forms and having fun!

Compound Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt
Compound Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt