Shibari Class February/March

Tuesday February 21, 2023
Wednesdays March 8 + 22, 2023

The course Beginner with Previous Experience is directed at learning the basics of Shibari/Kinbaku technique. We start systematically with efficient handling of body, rope, and safety principles (knots, wrapping and friction). The material contains a wide range of harnesses for floor work. Understanding restriction from the models perspective, and the complex skill set of the rigger, to create erotic phantasies or a meditative tie.


December 20th 2022

The course Beginner with Previous Experience is directed at learning the basics of Shibari/Kinbaku technique. We start systematically with efficient handling of body, rope, and safety principles (knots, wrapping and friction). The material contains a wide range of harnesses for floor work. Understanding restriction from the models perspective, and the complex skill set of the rigger, to create erotic phantasies or a meditative tie.

In the picture: Eliko.


November 22nd, 2022

The course Beginner with Previous Experience is directed at learning the basics of Shibari/Kinbaku technique. We start systematically with efficient handling of body, rope, and safety principles (knots, wrapping and friction). The material contains a wide range of harnesses for floor work. Understanding restriction from the models perspective, and the complex skill set of the rigger, to create erotic phantasies or a meditative tie.

Shibari class September

September 13th, 2022

The course Beginner with Previous Experience is directed at learning the basics of Shibari/Kinbaku technique. We start systematically with efficient handling of body, rope, and safety principles (knots, wrapping and friction). The material contains a wide range of harnesses for floor work. Understanding restriction from the models perspective, and the complex skill set of the rigger, to create erotic phantasies or a meditative tie.

For more information and workshops please scroll up.

Shibari Class July

July 19th, 2022

Because of a Corona infection the workshop will be postponed by one week to Tuesday July 26th!!

The course Beginner with Previous Experience is directed at learning the basics of Shibari/Kinbaku technique. We start systematically with efficient handling of body, rope, and safety principles (knots, wrapping and friction). The material contains a wide range of harnesses for floor work. Understanding restriction from the models perspective, and the complex skill set of the rigger, to create erotic phantasies or a meditative tie.

Fleetstreet Residenz

Fleetstreet Theater Dasniya Sommer Choreografie Michael Schuhmacher Meine Damen und Herren -Tanz-Theater Shibari

Mit ihrer ersten gemeinsamen Kollaboration Gluatamat:2 erarbeiten die Berliner Choreographin und Tänzerin Dasniya Sommer und der Hamburger Performer Michael Schumacher ein so persönliches wie sinnliches Duett. Sommers tänzerischer Umgang mit der japanischen Bondagevariante Shibari und Klassischem Ballett trifft dabei auf das virtuose Sprech- und Sprachverständnis des langjährigen Mitglieds der inklusiven Performancegruppe Meine Damen und Herren.

Zusammen kreieren die beiden eine so abstrakte wie düster-humorvolle Choreographie. Verkaufsverpackungen und individuelle Schicksale gesellschaftlich Randständiger werden metaphorisch auf irritierende Weise verknüpft. Bewusst spielen die beiden mit einem individuellen Verständnis von Zeit. Der zusammen gesponnene Erzählfaden gibt den Takt ihres tänzerischen Rhythmus vor. Zärtliche Shibari Meditationen wechseln sich ab mit unterspannten Crip Time Duetten und absurden Ritualen.
Parallel entsteht aus großformatigen Drucken, Bambusstäben und Juteseilen eine begehbare Installation, deren grelle Ästhetik gleichermaßen mit kapitalistischem Genussversprechen und familiärer Geborgenheit spielt.

Ihre Abschlusspräsentation im Fleetstreet Theater am Mittwoch 29. Juni 2022 um 19.30 Uhr. Die Bar ist ab 19 Uhr geöffnet!

Admiralitätsstr. 71
20459 Hamburg

Performance: flux nX cusp

By Gestalta and Dasniya Sommer

Opening night: IN EXCESS

“In Excess” understands itself as a mental image, a template for interpreting connection, exploring power relations and the sensory experience of our present through BDSM. Curated by Creamcake and happening as part of the seventh 3hd edition, called “Power Play”, the group exhibition features nine artists, collectives and collaborations who negotiate convention through the consensual practice of sadomasochism and play. Running at Park Center Treptow from October 2 to 31, it fearlessly embraces taboos in sexuality, sharing a fascination with authority and the desire for transgression and contradiction, as well as a longing for a loss or conscious relinquishment of control. More

Opening of 3hd 2021 Festival on October 2nd, 2021
Activations by participants:
Gestalta & Dasniya Sommer: flux nX cusp
Federica Dauri & Hermes Pittakos in collaboration with Peaches

Park Center Treptow
Am Treptower Park 14
12435 Berlin

Many thanks to the funding support program Neustart Kultur /GVL-Stipendienprogramm for providing the material frame for this research.