Amsterdam Fringe Festival

Back from crazy Amsterdam. Daily riding from Sloterdijk to Theatre Oostblok, every day it took me half an hour less :). I love their bike politics!
It was an all around flashy week, new impulses, impressions, friends. F* cool bitches to create with! ;)

“Bondage Show”


Unseren nächsten Auftritt Bondage Show machen wir beim Festival Grenzenlos Kultur in Mainz.

Performance Impulse: Silke Backofen – Schönfleisch, Dasniya Sommer und Florian Loycke
24. September 2016, 14 Uhr
Staatstheater Mainz, Glashaus

Im Rahmen des Symposion Who Cares?
Kuratiert von Astrid Kaminski und Jeremy Wade

Der zukünftige Körper: ein hochfunktionales, interaktives System. Perfekt? Auf jeden Fall verwundbar. Denn je besser wir funktionieren (wollen), desto größer werden auch die gegenseitigen Abhängigkeiten.
Wie gestalten wir dieses Verhältnis? Menschen mit Behinderungen sowie generell Menschen mit hohem Hilfsbedarf stehen oft in einem komplizierten Abhängigkeitsverhältnis – zu Hilfsmitteln, Sozialleistungen, Assistenzen, Therapien, Vormündern. Mehr Info

Harness — Amsterdam Fringe Festival

Knot Aplicable- Harness
Knot Aplicable- Harness

I am in Amsterdam! For the next week, I will be performing in the Amsterdam Fringe Festival, and teaching workshops. Sophie Fetokaki invited me to create and perform with her a live art / performance art / installation work called Harness, also with Vera Goetzee and Mei-yi Lee. We’re performing at Oostblok, Sajetplein, this weekend and early next week. All the details below!

Also I’ll be teaching shibari workshops while I’m in Amsterdam, email me for details, and check back here for more info.


Knot Applicable

Rope. Voice. Body. Percussion. These are the four elements of Harness, a work bringing together the music of John Cage and the Japanese rope-tying art of Shibari into one immersive performance art work, exploring the dynamics of tension and release; silence and sound; movement, stillness and duration.

Harness raises all sorts of questions, about trust and spectatorship, about consent and power, about beauty and desire. But most of all, it invites the audience to come along for the ride, to travel through the duration of the performance, to permit and explore the inevitable flux of responses; to dive into a deeply dynamic experience of slow, patient transformation.

About the artists

Sophie Fetokaki: voice, artistic direction
Dasniya Sommer: shibari artist
Vera Goetzee: dancer, model
Mei-yi Lee: percussion
Petyr Veenstra: light & technics

Where & When

Fri 2nd, Sat 3rd, Mon 5th, Tues 6th September, 2016
Fri & Mon: 21:00
Sat & Tues: 18:30
Tickets: €7,00
Oostblok, Sajetplein, Amsterdam
Amsterdam Fringe Festival


Second trip to Teufelsberg: Tamandua tying my body in a planty tunnel. Melting and twisting me into nature. Whilst being pulled from both ends another friend rescued me from time to time. Tourists chattering by my ear, but mostly  didn’t see us behind the thicket.

Tying: Tamandua
Photos: The Moose
© SommerProductions

Performance: ‘This Poem is not a Panic’

this poem is not a panic
this poem is not a panic

This Saturday night in Mitte:
My friend Virginia Barratt from Australia is in Berlin, and together with her Frances d’ Ath and Neha Spellfish, we have a show at Kunsthaus KuLe.

‘This Poem is not a Panic’ 

chaotic lines unspeaking sense in a sonic field of deep data and hammering silence, chaotic lines tying dissociated limbs as speech becomes gesture dressed in corpse paint. let’s be self conscious, awkward and embarrassing, let’s make angst from speech and produce a humorous balm from the awful. laugh cry laugh laugh cry. the ocean is an ocean of tears. the wind is many sighs. creep around the uncomfortable, making monsters out of reason.

neha spellfish: sonics
virginia barratt: performative crying
dasniya sommer: creeping butoh corpse and rope
frances d’ath: black metal bedroom
schnucki rennpferd: bondsman

Saturday July 9th, 2016
10.30 pm -1 am
Kule e.V.
Auguststraße 10
10117 Berlin

Staging Shibari: performance and pregnancy

Staging Shibari - by Institute Sommer
Staging Shibari - by Institute Sommer

We still have free places in the up-coming staging shibari workshop. The evening is organised as photo shooting and revolves around a pregnant protagonist this time. If this topic from a rope (-performance) view is interesting to you, or if you want to make a life-music contribution in the background please let us know. Extras and a peaceful audience is also welcome!

When: Friday, July 1st
Hours: 19 – 23h
Where: Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt – Aufgang B, Uferstrasse 8
Costs: 40 €
Questions to:



Every Tuesday:  June 7,14 & 28, 2016 (not on the 25th!)
Costs: 20 Euro per person
10 class card 160 €
@ Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt – Wedding.

The workshop focusses on traditional Shibari technique. Inspired by my teachers Osada Steve, Kamijoo Saki, Arisue Go, Hourai Kasumi or Lun Ario. We start with the basics and security principles. Learning initial knots and floor work patterns with a partner. When these principles are set, we approach complex figures and suspension technique step by step.

The workshop focusses on traditional Shibari technique. Inspired by Osada Steve, Kamijoo Saki, Arisue Go, Hourai Kasumi or Lun Ario. We start with the basics and security principles. Learning initial knots and floor work  patterns with a partner. When these principles are set, we approach more complex figures and suspension technique step by step.

Besides learning the knots, qualitative aspects play a great role as well. How do I guide the rope in a sensual way, how can my partner, or I, travel through blissful states of rope drunkenness?

To arrive there, it requires some training for both sides, ..softly gently catchee monkey.

Applying the three principles: the classical aesthetic, the sensual effect and a non-harming technique and philosophy, is the goal. They fuse the visual, tactile, and playful level into an adventurous ritual.

Girls girls, boys girls, non boys/girl, cis people everybody is welcome as long as you respect the group!

You don’t need to come with a partner. There always are other solo participants, or I jump in.
Please bring training-/comfortable pants. If you have own ropes, otherwise we provide them.


Wednesday, June 1st & 29th, 2016 at 6pm – 10pm
Costs: 40 Euro per person (social price 30 Euro)
Please register beforehand/ Send an SMS!
General Description: in English and German.

18 – 19 h          yoga warm up
19 – 19.30        pause
19.30 – 21        shibari/technical input
21- 22 h           open space to play and exchange ideas or just watching.


July 1st
7-11 pm
Costs: 40 Euro per person (social price 30 Euro)

Our performance  baby ‘Shibari Express’ is growing, and we want to focus more on performance ideas as part of the workshop, than on basic rope technique. So previous knowledge is useful but not mandatory. If you prefer to watch, we will always need free hands to hold a light, fog machine or navigate a camera…

We want to invite you to brainstorm with us, ideas or dramaturgy and how to try those on a small scale. You could also bring an instrument, books or other devices, which you always have wanted to tie up or perform with.

The scenes that we create explore theatre tools and can be happening-like, installations or movement based/choreographies. It’s an experiment to involve poetic thoughts around rope work, and to have an open space situation to try Shibari for the stage. There will always be someone of our team, or other free floating participants to support you, unless you want to make a solo :)

Sounds all more challenging than it is..its about searching new forms and having fun!

All workshops take place:
At Teatris/Alte Kantine or in our ‘Mini- Dojo’. Both locations are at
Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt in Wedding. Staircase B/C, Uferstraße 8-11, 13357 Berlin
U8 Pankstr/U9 Osloerstr
Please call when you are in the court yard, in case you don’t find it, or the door is locked:
+ 49 174 393 70 49.