Tying and Timing


Shibari classes at Karada House: 24.9. + 22.10.2024
Shibari classes at Haus Sommer 1. + 8.+ potentially 15. 10.‘24

Topic: Tying and Timing
Hours: 19-21h
Group size: max. 10 couples

Repeating Japanese inspired technique: futo momo, gote and potentially semi-suspension, we will look at different temporalities while tying. Considering the preparation time before a bondage ritual. Connecting individual rhythms of rope from slow binding to mid tempo or speed tying, and also talking about ‘crip time‘ – constellations. How can experimenting with tempi, rhythm and rope translate intimate desires into a groovy session? Or, how can we embrace our anti-groove?

More info and directions: Karada House
Address: KARA, Perleberger Straße 59, 10559 Berlin (Moabit)

More information and the Haus Sommer address here.

In ropes: Tara Samaya
Picture: Pippa Samaya

Shibari Class February/March

Tuesday February 21, 2023
Wednesdays March 8 + 22, 2023

The course Beginner with Previous Experience is directed at learning the basics of Shibari/Kinbaku technique. We start systematically with efficient handling of body, rope, and safety principles (knots, wrapping and friction). The material contains a wide range of harnesses for floor work. Understanding restriction from the models perspective, and the complex skill set of the rigger, to create erotic phantasies or a meditative tie.


December 20th 2022

The course Beginner with Previous Experience is directed at learning the basics of Shibari/Kinbaku technique. We start systematically with efficient handling of body, rope, and safety principles (knots, wrapping and friction). The material contains a wide range of harnesses for floor work. Understanding restriction from the models perspective, and the complex skill set of the rigger, to create erotic phantasies or a meditative tie.

In the picture: Eliko.

Queer Hospice

A project by Liz Rosenfeld and Rodrigo Garcia Alves. I was very happy and touched working with them for a few days.
There will be a livestream:

Thursday, December 17th, 20h

Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/766255620634035/

Sophiensaele Link: https://sophiensaele.com/en/stueck/rodrigo-garcia-alves-liz-rosenfeld-residency-showing-new-techniques-i

Im Rahmen des Sophiensæle-Residenzprogramms New Techniques laden wir zu einem ersten Online-Showing ein: Am 17. Dezember werden Rodrigo Garcia Alves und Liz Rosenfeld Einblick in ihre fortlaufende künstlerische Forschung zum Thema queeres Hospiz in Form von choreografischen Video-Partituren und einem Gespräch mit dem Tanzdramaturgen Mateusz Szymanówka geben.

Wie werden wir als nicht blutsverwandte Familie füreinander sorgen? Was brauchen wir als queere Menschen, um sicherzustellen, dass wir in der Lage sind, am Lebensende für die Pflege zu sorgen, die wir uns vorstellen? Wie kann künstlerische Forschung zu einer lebenslangen Aufgabe werden, die in verschiedenen Formen und Spielarten erforscht wird? Während ihrer Residenz in den Sophiensælen haben Rodrigo Alves Garcia und Liz Rosenfeld Persönlichkeiten getroffen, die sowohl ganz pragmatisch als auch kreativ mit dem Tod arbeiten: darunter ein Palliativmediziner, eine Sterbebegleiterin, ein Chorleiter, eine Bondage-Expertin und ein Tätowierungsheiler. Gemeinsam haben sie ihr Wissen rund um das Sterben und die queere Pflege vertieft. Dabei entstanden choreografische Partituren, Video- und Textarbeiten, die sich mit Fragen der Intimität auseinandersetzen und untersuchen, wie queere Familien politisch, künstlerisch, räumlich und emotional weiterhin Raum füreinander halten können, während sie sich auf ihr Hospiz vorbereiten. Während ihrer Residenz haben sie mit Colin Self, Maja Zimmermann, Fercha Pombo, Andre Neely, Imogen Heath, Christian Küllmei und Dasniya Sommer gearbeitet.


September 13th, 2020

For the closing event of Tanznacht Berlin 2020, two very different female artists have been invited to combine their practices: Mmakgosi Kgabi is a voice-over artist who finds ways of embodying language and speech with her own «(Dance) Encyclopedia of the Mouth». Dasniya Baddhanasiri is a ballet dancer and choreographer who runs a dojo in Wedding in the Japanese art of Tight Bondage.

In «An Unboxing Ballet Beat», Mmakgosi Kgabi and Dasniya Baddhanasiri conduct an open, body-voice dialogue, simultaneously breaking down sentences and ballet vocabulary to create a rough working environment. By their reciprocal approach of bodily listening, they open spaces in which processes of connecting and dividing occur equally, in parallel. The audience is cordially invited to engage with this exchange and to join the artists on their journey through a space-time continuum full of surprises.

Mmakgosi Kgabi is a trained physical theatre and improvisation performer and also a performance facilitator. Her work often interrogates the premise of identity and nationalism, revisiting themes on the Black Female Body Politics and Migration.

The choreographer Dasniya Baddhanasiri researches movement from the perspective of the dancer. Her primary interest is the redefinition of body images, which she seeks within a physical and cultural spectrum ranging from Japanese bondage art to deconstructed ballet practice.

Ticket and more information here


Dear shibari friends and newbies,
there are three beginner and intermediate shibari classes in March:

Because of Covid – 19 all upcoming shibari classes from March to August are cancelled!
I hope small gatherings are allowed to takes place soon again.

Tuesday evening classes:
March 10 + 17 + 24 

April 7 + 14 +21 +

Intermediate level: 6pm – 8.15pm
Beginner level: 8.15pm – 10.15pm

The intermediate class focusses on floor work and introduces half- and/or full-suspension technique. You need to know basic shibari, firm column ties and A suspendable TK (box tie/gote).
We look closely at the tension of harnesses and test if they are suspendable. Lock-off techniques for half-/suspension, up-lines on ring, and in the second step on bamboo.
The material also contains: safety principles like general friction, pain processing strategies for the model, and sculpting the body in the air.

We recommend to attend this class with a partner. If you don’t have a partner, or if you are not sure about the level please contact us.

The beginner course is directed at learning the basics of Shibari/Kinbaku technique. We start systematically with efficient handling of body, rope, and safety principles. The material contains a wide range of harnesses for floor work. Understanding restriction from the models perspective, and the complex skill set of the rigger, to create erotic phantasies or a meditative tie.

– Please bring soft clothes and ropes if you have.
– You don’t need to sign up for all three dates. Its a drop in class.
If possible I suggest regular participation and repitition at the beginning to create a solid technical base.
– You can register alone or with a partner. If you come alone you can pair up with each other, and in case there is an odd number of people we usually make a trio, or I jump in. It always works out. :)
– Costs 20 Euro per person

Register beforehand:
workshops@dasniyasommer.de or DM on FB at haussommer
+49 174 393 70 49

Costs: 20 Euro per person
10 class card 160 €

Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt – Wedding Uferstrasse 8,13357 Berlin. Entrance B6
Call this number in case the door is locked:    +49 174 3937049
Map here