Self-Suspension Workshop in November

Self-suspension Dasniya Sommer, photo: Frances d'Ath
Self-suspension, photo: Frances d'Ath

Friday, November 25th
Hours: 12 -16h
Costs: 50 €

Fly high! This workshop answers all your questions on self-suspension technique. After a solid warm up we will look at different harnesses for your personal self-suspension.

The technique varies depending on its function and anatomy. It can be used for performing or simply as rope playing with a partner. We will look at safety tricks, breathing and progressions in the air.

For me self-suspension is also a performative tool for self-empowerment. So when you are in the air, we will pace down, finding your personal rope dance and your own inner hero.

Please bring comfortable clothes, a snack and ropes if you have, otherwise we provide them.

Where: Institute Sommer, Uferstrasse 8, 13357 Berlin. U8 Pankstrasse, U9 Osloerstrasse
(Enter the gate at the big bus, walk right to the building with the big watch, -> Left and immediately right up the small stairs ‘B’)
Please take this number in case the door is locked, 0174-3937049

Yoga Bondage November

Wednesday, November 30th, 2016 at 6pm – 10pm
Costs: 40 Euro per person (social price 30 Euro)
Please register beforehand/ Send an SMS to +40 174- 393 70 49

General Description: in English and German.

18 – 19 h          yoga warm up
19 – 19.30        pause
19.30 – 21        shibari/technical input
21- 22 h           open space to play and exchange ideas or just watching

Shibari Technique Morning Classes Nov/Dec

Every Tuesday:  November 29, 2016
December: 6, 13, 20, 2016

Costs: 20 Euro per person
10 class card 160 €
@ Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt – Wedding. Uferstrasse 8,13357 Berlin. Entrance B
Take this number in case the door is locked: 0174-3937049

The workshop focusses on traditional Shibari technique, basic and intermediate level. Inspired by my teachers Osada Steve, Kamijoo Saki, Arisue Go, Hourai Kasumi or Lun Ario. We start with the basics and security principles. Learning initial knots and floor work patterns with a partner. When these principles are set, we approach complex figures and suspension technique step by step. More Info

Shibari Technique Morning Classes

Three Technique classes in October, Tuesdays:  4,11 & 18, 2016 (No class on the 25!)
Costs: 20 Euro per person
10 class card 160 €
@ Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt – Wedding. Uferstrasse 8,13357 Berlin. Entrance B
Take this number in case the door is locked: 0174-3937049

The workshop focusses on traditional Shibari technique, basic and intermediate level. Inspired by my teachers Osada Steve, Kamijoo Saki, Arisue Go, Hourai Kasumi or Lun Ario. We start with the basics and security principles. Learning initial knots and floor work patterns with a partner. When these principles are set, we approach complex figures and suspension technique step by step. More Info

Amsterdam Fringe Festival

Back from crazy Amsterdam. Daily riding from Sloterdijk to Theatre Oostblok, every day it took me half an hour less :). I love their bike politics!
It was an all around flashy week, new impulses, impressions, friends. F* cool bitches to create with! ;)

Shibari Technique Morning Classes

Every Tuesday:  September  13,20 & 27, 2016
Costs: 20 Euro per person
10 class card 160 €
@ Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt – Wedding. Uferstrasse 8,13357 Berlin. Entrance B
Take this number in case the door is locked: 0174-3937049

The workshop focusses on traditional Shibari technique, basic and intermediate level. Inspired by my teachers Osada Steve, Kamijoo Saki, Arisue Go, Hourai Kasumi or Lun Ario. We start with the basics and security principles. Learning initial knots and floor work patterns with a partner. When these principles are set, we approach complex figures and suspension technique step by step. More Info

Bondage Workshop Amsterdam Sunday September 4th

With Dasniya Sommer

Nawa Shibari means ‘rope’, shibari means ‘ winding or knotting’. This Japanese way to tie the body with ropes comes from the Edo period, when Samurais used ropes in martial arts.

Today it’s a sensual, performative practice for erotic play, or to experiment with the body. There is the emotional aspect ‘Kinbaku’. The rigger tries to capture their partners soul :) Air oscillates, power shifts during the ritual, and together you travel to a different plane. Zen moments mix with our animal vibe. It’s called rope drunkenness.

In this three hour workshop we start with Shibari basics and will  focus on the technique. We will talk about security principles and learn some seductive, playful tricks. There will be lighthearted one rope harnesses, and one more complex figure combined with sensual elements. It’s all about having fun!

Everybody is welcome, beginners and more advanced riggers/models. Just respect the group!

We work in groups of different levels, with also individual input. An easy going space with ropes, tea and chocolate :)

Please bring own ropes and comfy trackies. If you don’t have ropes, we can lend you some. You don’t have to bring a partner.

The workshop takes place at:

Katie Lee’s Place
Harry Koningsbergerstraat 82
Amsterdam 1063 AC

-> close to Sloterdijk

Sunday September 4th
Hours: 15 – 17 h
Costs: 20 €

Caritia tying Tamandua, photo: Katjakat at Institute Sommer

Bio Dasniya:

“To my own surprise I became an international bondage star with my self-suspension solo Idiosyncrasy, and since than I worked in all kind of context from opera, puppet theatre to movies. I also keep on creating experimental (bondage) performances.

I learned yoga from my father, which I practice until today and combine it with Shibari and dance.

Teaching ropes at my Institut Sommer in Berlin, a laboratory for bondage, dance and art, to where I invite other artists. Always twisting the idea of bondage stereotypes I developed anarchic shibari, mixed it with butoh, animal characters, buddhist attitude, action painting and cable fixer installations.

And I jumped into the gender dschungle and tried to get away from the male oriented perspective.

With ropes I started off about a decade ago. My teachers were Osada Steve, Kamijoo Saki, Matthias Grimme, Arisue Go, Kinoko and also the choreographer Frances d’Ath.

I always liked making things with my hands, so it came to me naturally to get in the active position.

I wanted to learn how to tie with ropes, and it was somehow easy for me. And then came the macramé aspect. I liked the pretty decoration of bodies, spinning more and more knots between people. And it came together with my body history as a dancer: stretch and pain from ballet, minimal steps and backbends. And of course the drama. This was just the beginning of the path of the rope, my own Shibari Dô :)”

Photo: Tamandua, Caritia, KatjaKat @ Institute Sommer