With Dasniya
Every Tuesday : June 13, 20, 27,  2017 –> NO CLASS ON THE 6TH!!!

Level: Intermediate
Costs: 20 Euro per person
10 class card 160 €
@ Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt – Wedding. Uferstrasse 8,13357 Berlin. Entrance B
Take this number in case the door is locked: 0174-3937049

The workshop focusses on traditional Shibari technique, basic and intermediate level. Inspired by my teachers Osada Steve, Kamijoo Saki, Arisue Go, Tamandua Ropë. We start with the basics and security principles. Learning initial knots and floor work patterns with a partner. When these principles are set, we approach complex figures and suspension technique step by step. More Info

May Performances & Workshops in Berlin, Bremen, & Lyon

Dear Friends, Bondagisti, Theateristi and Dancers,

a bunch of performances in Berlin, Bremen, and Lyon this month, plus Tuesday mornings Shibari Technique in Haus Sommer.

  1. Bondage Duell, with Silke Schönfleisch at Sophiensæle, May 18, 19, 21
  2. Nun on the Moon, at European Lab, Lyon, May 25
  3. Der besuch der verknallten Dame, with Das Helmi, at Theater Bremen, May 28
  4. Tuesday mornings Shibari Technique, in Uferhallen, Berlin-Wedding May 9, 23, 30
  5. Private & Group Lessons

Enjoy the arrival of spring’s sun!


1. Bondage Duell, with Silke Schönfleisch, at Sophiensæle

As part of the Every Body Festival in Berlin’s Sophiensæle, I am happy to première in Berlin Bondage Duellwith Silke Schönfleisch.

A 178cm tall ballerina and a 114cm small female government official on a tricycle appear on the scene. An uneven fight. The weapons: rope, muscular bodies and a thirst for adrenaline. Using classical dance means and Japanese bondage techniques, Bondage Duell examines physical and social patterns of bonding, empowerment and constraint. A place where cruelty and freedom, fun and curiosity lie closely together.

Dance: Silke Schönfleisch
Choreography & Dance: Dasniya Sommer,

Dates: Thursday 18th, Friday 19th May at 21:00; Sunday 21st May at 19:00
Location: Sophiensæale Kantine
Tickets: 13€ / 8€ (Online tickets)
Kombi-tickets: 18€ / 12€
More info: Sophiensæle

A production by haus sommer in coproduction with Grenzenlos Kultur Theaterfestival and SOPHIENSÆLE. Photo © Holger Rudolph

Dasniya Sommer, Silke Schönfleisch, “Bondage Duell”. At Sophiensæle Berlin
Dasniya Sommer, Silke Schönfleisch, “Bondage Duell”. At Sophiensæle Berlin

2. Nun on the Moon, at European Lab, Lyon

I will be speaker/performer at European Lab 2017 in Lyon in the Nuit Immersive, by Tracks and organised by Adami and European Lab.

Featuring the interactive contributions of a selection of unique and pioneering artists, the Nuit Immersive will be a night like no other. No seats or popcorn-holders, no stages or “fourth walls”, the Nuit Immersive will instead plunge you the public into the heart of the creative process and invite you to move around and explore this interactive performance as best you see fit. Advanced warning: here, the sign clearly states “PLEASE DO TOUCH”!

Date: Thursday, 25th May, starts at 21:30
Location: Les Subsistances • Le Hangar
Tickets: 8€ (Online tickets)
More info: European Lab

European Lab, Lyon — Nuit Immersive
European Lab, Lyon — Nuit Immersive

3. Der besuch der verknallten Dame, Das Helmi & Theater HORA at Theater Bremen

Once more with Das Helmi and Zürich’s Theater HORA, in Theater Bremen’s Festival Mittenmang.

Date: Sunday, May 28th, at 18:30
Location: Kleinen Haus, Theater Bremen
Tickets: 9€ – 20€ (Online tickets)
More info: Theater Bremen, Das Helmi, Theater HORA

4. Tuesday Mornings Shibari Technique in May

The workshop focusses on traditional Shibari technique, basic and intermediate level. Inspired by my teachers Osada Steve, Kamijoo Saki, Arisue Go, Tamandua Ropë. We start with the basics and security principles. Learning initial knots and floor work patterns with a partner. When these principles are set, we approach complex figures and suspension technique step by step.

Dates: Tuesdays, May 9th, 23rd, 30th, 2017 (No class on the 16th!)
Time: 10am-12pm
Level: Intermediate
Costs: 20 Euro per person
10 class card 160 €
@ Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt – Wedding. Uferstrasse 8, 13357 Berlin. Entrance B
More info: Shibari Technique Morning Classes

Please call when you are in the court yard, in case you don’t find it, or the door is locked: + 49 174 393 70 49.

5. Private & Group Lessons

Of course it’s always possible to arrange another time for private and group workshops, sessions, choreographing ropes for performances, and other long-planned or spontaneous ideas. Drop me a line!

Bamboo Shibari, Dasniya tying Florian
Bamboo Shibari, Dasniya tying Florian

“Bondage Duell” at Sophiensæle

As part of the Every Body Festival in Berlin’s Sophiensæle, I am happy to première Bondage Duellwith Silke Schönfleisch.

A 178cm tall ballerina and a 114cm small female government official on a tricycle appear on the scene. An uneven fight. The weapons: rope, muscular bodies and a thirst for adrenaline. Using classical dance means and Japanese bondage techniques, Bondage Duell examines physical and social patterns of bonding, empowerment and constraint. A place where cruelty and freedom, fun and curiosity lie closely together.

Dance: Silke Schönfleisch
Choreography & Dance: Dasniya Sommer

Dates: Thursday 18th, Friday 19th May at 21:00; Sunday 21st May at 19:00
Location: Sophiensæale Kantine
Tickets: 13€ / 8€ (Online tickets)
Kombi-tickets: 18€ / 12€
More info: Sophiensæle

A production by haus sommer in coproduction with Grenzenlos Kultur Theaterfestival and SOPHIENSÆLE. Photo © Holger Rudolph

Dasniya Sommer, Silke Schönfleisch, “Bondage Duell”. At Sophiensæle Berlin
Dasniya Sommer, Silke Schönfleisch, “Bondage Duell”. At Sophiensæle Berlin

Kinbaku Study Group

tamandua rope tying britta

Highly recommending this new study group with Tamandua at Haus Sommer!

Now looking for people in Berlin interested in joining a small kinbaku/shibari study group starting beginning of May.
This is a good opportunity to learn focused together with other students and where your personal development can be followed and taken properly into account during the process.
Lessons will take place in the evening every second week. See dates below.

For each class opportunity there will be a different theme to get the chance to get a familiar with the broad spectrum of ties and approaches to kinbaku that exsist out there. During these weeks we will be touching on topics such as plenty pattern and shape learning, controling a body and being controled as a body in ropes, communication, aesthetics, technical problem solving, rope handling and treating and other nerdy content.

Participants should be of level advanced beginner or intermediate at the start of the course.  And yes, we will also be getting into working with suspension points when the level for that is met.
You can attend with somebody you know already but it’s great if you are also comfortable with switching and coupling up with other students taking the course. Whatever you feel fine with.

It is possible to sign up for 3 or 6 classes at a time. It is adviced to not skip more than one class in a row since the idea is for the classes to be progressional.
May:  4, 18 (thurs), 31 (wed)
June: 14, 28 (wed)
July: 12 (wed)

3x3h classes: 120 per person
6x3h classes: 200 per person

To sign up contact Tamandua via facebook or at


Every Tuesday :
April 4,11,18,25, 2017

Mai: 2,9,23,30, 2017  –> NO CLASS ON THE 16TH!!!

Level: Intermediate
Costs: 20 Euro per person
10 class card 160 €
@ Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt – Wedding. Uferstrasse 8,13357 Berlin. Entrance B
Take this number in case the door is locked: 0174-3937049

The workshop focusses on traditional Shibari technique, basic and intermediate level. Inspired by my teachers Osada Steve, Kamijoo Saki, Arisue Go, Tamandua Ropë. We start with the basics and security principles. Learning initial knots and floor work patterns with a partner. When these principles are set, we approach complex figures and suspension technique step by step.
More info

Kinbaku Workshop – Adding Gravity

Highly recommended: Tamandua Ropë is teaching a semi-suspension workshop at Haus Sommer!

When: Sunday 19, March
Hours: 6.30-9.30 pm ( 3 hours )
Costs: 60 €
Where: Uferhallengelände Wedding

This workshop is for people who have been doing a fair bit of floorwork and now feel like adding another element to their kinbaku – gravity!

The use of suspension points opens up a broad rage of options and sensations for both rigger and bunny not available without. Often it adds a higher intensity and asks for sharper focus from the rigger and more endurance from the bunny. But it also functions as a tool to shape and control the body in new ways.

We will go through techniques of drawing, handling and locking off suspension lines as well as what to be aware of in terms of safety when managing someone elses or your own weight in ropes.
Second half of the class we will apply the techniques by learning a coupleof simple but effective semi-suspension ties.

Prerequisites: Riggers should have a fair bit of experience in tying on the floor and feel confident enough in basic technique and rope handling – ask if unsure!
Bunnys should have some prior experience of being in different kinds of ties.
You need to come in couples and it’s recommended if you already know eachother and maybe even tied together before.

To sign up write a PM to Tamandua or email
There is room for maximum of 7 couples. The workshop takes place in Wedding, adress is given after registration.

More on facebook

Premiere Gulliveras Reise

30. März (Premiere) und 31.3.2017
Jeweils 18 Uhr
Staatstheater Oldenburg / Exerzierhalle

Das Helmi mit dem Ensemble des Staatstheaters

Ein progressive-feminist-Science-Fiction-Softporno-Projekt mit Puppen und Menschen

Gullivera ist Fotzenpraxis. Gelebt unter den schwierigsten Bedingungen, fiktiv und real zugleich. Es ist Reclaim, Reempowerment und Ratlosigkeit. Es sind Hurensöhne, die Umherirren, aus der Komfortzone aufgebrochen und nicht vorbereitet für den Mösenschleim. Gullivera sind Hurensöhne ohne Worte. Denn bei Gullivera müssen sich auch die Hurensöhne neu aufstellen. Gullivera ist alles, was wir noch nie gemacht haben. Das sind die unbekannten Inseln. Das ist die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Staatstheater und freier Szene, das ist das Fotzen-Helmi. Gullivera ist eine sexpositive Abenteuernatur, die so heiß aussieht, dass die hochintelligenten Pferde durchgehen, als sie an Land gespült wird. Aber wo sind die unbekannten Welten für eine Fotzen-Pionierin heute? Sind sie in den Membranen der Geschlechtergrenzen? Braucht sie Hurensöhne für ihre Abenteuer? Wo gibt es Liebe? Der Softie ist out, was ist in? Der reflektierte Prollhurensohn? Der feminine Toughie? Will Gullivera den Bitcher erziehen? Oder sucht sie den unerzogenen Hurensohn? Oder lieber eine Bitch?

Das Helmi ist ein internationales Puppen und Performance-Kollektiv, das sich 2002 in Berlin gegründet hat. Konkret verbergen sich dahinter Gründungsmitglied Florian Loycke, Ballett- und Bondagequeen Dasniya Sommer, die Schauspielerin Ludmilla Skripkina und die Musikerin und Performerin Solene Garnier. Gemäß ihrem Grundsatz „Alle machen Alles“ wird beim Helmi jedoch jeder zum Performer, Musiker und Tänzer über die Grenzen der Kunstdisziplinen hinaus. Unterstützt werden sie im Rahmen der neuen Bandenallianzen von Klaas Schramm und Johannes Lange. Beide sind feste Ensemblemitglieder des Oldenburgischen Staatstheaters.

Dieses Stück ist im Kontext des BANDEN!-Festivals neuer performativer Allianzen entstanden.

Mehr zum Festival »