Marat / Sade – Monstertruck

Wiederaufnahme am 12 + 13.11.2019 beim No Limits Festival jeweils 19 Uhr im Hau1.

Die Französische Revolution war ein Aufstand in Frankreich.
Vor über 200 Jahren.
Von 1789 bis 1799.

Das Stück spielt kurze Zeit später.
In einem Irren-Haus.
Marquis de Sade ist dort Patient.
Zusammen mit den anderen Patienten und Patientinnen spielt er Theater.
Sie spielen Szenen aus der französischen Revolution.

Das Theater-Stück wird von der Gruppe Monster Truck auf die Bühne gebracht.
Aber Peter Weiss hat das Stück geschrieben.
Sonst spielt die Gruppe Monster Truck nur eigene Stücke.

Außerdem spielen Menschen mit Lern-Schwierigkeiten in dem Stück mit.
Sie kommen aus Bochum.
Viele von ihnen spielen in ihrer Freizeit Theater.
Aber sie sind keine Profis.
Theater-Spielen ist nicht ihr Beruf.

Monster Truck interessiert:
Wer macht Revolution?
Wer wehrt sich?
Und gegen was?
Was würde passieren, wenn Menschen mit Behinderung eine Revolution machen?
Würde es danach eine bessere Gesellschaft geben?
Oder nur den ganzen Tag Wohnheim-Party?
Wäre den ganzen Tag Behinderten-Disco auch eine bessere Welt?

Von und mit Daniel Beisbart, Jörg Eiben, Rolf Fey, Manuel Gerst, Alexandra Kamulski, Ralf Kons, Roswitha Kons, Anne Nilson, Sahar Rahimi, Lino Reifferscheidt, Nicole Schnippenkötter, Sabine Schrader, Mark Schröppel, Sandra Siewert, Dasniya Sommer, Renate Stahl, Andreas Stebner, Lukas von der Lühe Regie, Bühne, Kostüme Monster Truck Dramaturgie Tobias Staab Theaterleitung der Lebenshilfe Ulrike Schweinitz Betreuung Cornelia Barke Produktionsleitung ehrliche arbeit Koproduktion Schauspielhaus Bochum und NTGentIn Zusammenarbeit mit Lebenshilfe Bochum e.V. Mit Unterstützung der Psychiatrischen Klinik Bochum-Ehrenfeld Gefördert im Fonds Doppelpass der „LOGO” durch die Kulturstiftung des Bundes


A quick invitation, if you are in Berlin come by tonight and see our performance ‘blume blume’ at Eurix-Holzmarkt.
Yesterday was fleshy fun! :)

24+25 Oktober. Doors open at 7pm, shows start at 8pm, we are on around 9pm.
More info here

Holzmarktstrasse 25 – Säalchen, shows start at 8pm, doors open at 7pm.
Premiere: with Fisherman, 2nd show with Fel in ropes.

blume, blume

maskuline muskelblumen


blütenblut und wutrinde





mytrambienstürme Vortexschluchten


staubstummel, laubstücke, blütenstaub


symchtonisches Zaudern

stille im wald


24. October tying with Flo Blondie

is working with foam puppets and dance , theatre and signs
with animals and objects. Worked a lot with other-abled people.
Also Puppetmaker theatres and sometimes film.

25. October tying with Fel

Since about one year Fel attends the Shibari classes in Haus Sommer.
And inspite of his bodysize of 1. 95 meter hight ( and 85 kg weight) the sunnyboy prooved to be surprisingly talented for suspension as a model.
The reason may be in his yoga or surf background or in his other activities which compose his phisicality or in his positiv spirit.
So he made the step from the classes within a single year to the stage and he was nominated from Haus Sommer for this performance.

Shibari classes in June 2019

Tuesday evening classes:
Intermediate level: 6pm – 8.15pm
Beginner level: 8.15pm – 10.15pm

Shibari classes in June will partially be replaced:

– 4 + 11  as ususal by me: 6pm interm. + 8.15pm beginner CLASSES ON THE 11TH ARE CANCELLED!!!
– 18th: 6pm interm. at 8.15pm beginner by Kinbaku_boy (here mostly in ropes)
– 25th June there is one class at 7pm for both intermediate + beginners by Clyo Rospy

For more class information please scroll up.

selbstfesselung-inspiriert von nureki shibari kombiniert mit bandagen

Sometimes I am anxious putting myself into ropes. This time I planned a painful shape, which I experienced before passively, but not on my own. Made a test for the top part and was kinda happy. On shooting day it was the second tie, and tiredness was slowly crawling up. My thigh skin was a little wound. Don’t be whiny, I said to myself, choosing an extra thin rope for the waist part. The bandage allowed me to cheat around the spine, but not much. Wondered what Johannes thought behind his camera, but decided better not to think about. Finally I pulled up my legs, fixed the feed and gently lowered my chest. But there is nothing gentle in this shape. Immediately a heavy bend was forced into my spine and, like always, just a minute for the shooting, if at all. Out of breath and with a red head I pulled myself up. And got stuck. I asked Johannes if he could lift me. Telling by his look, he must have thought I was kidding, or what is this crazy chick doing here! He lifted me.
I felt heavy but could free my feet. And he safely put me down. During the pause we had nuts and orange juice, and got ready for the next round. I remember the ropes got stuck again and it was dramatic. I had tied my hands pulling upward and my waist pulling downward. It was a standing position and I could feel my back getting tired. Johannes hurried again to get the shoot, befor shuffing under a chair to rest on. When the drama was over there was lots of relief and survival fun.

Photo: Johannes Wewetzer

Welt ohne Aussen – Berliner Festspiele

From July 25 – 30 performing with Peter Frost and his group Le Frau. Wrestling with special guest Anna Konda from Marzahn and her fem fight club. Ludmilla Skripkina reviving the feminist Russian revolution at Martin Gropius Bau.
Looking much forward to rope, dance, bewitch you!

The exhibition “Welt ohne Außen” features art works spanning from the late 60s to the present day, together with live works and workshops. For the first time, Gropius Bau is issuing passes that will give permanent access to the exhibition and all its activities, inviting visitors to explore all facets of the show and to actively participate in the daily workshop programme. Read more..