Shibari class in March: Tuesday 18.3.2025
Hours: 7-9.30pm

The course Beginner with Previous Experience is directed at learning the basics of Shibari/Kinbaku technique. We start the class intuitively by following individual impulses with rope. After that we focus on systematic management of rope. On body handling and safety principles: knots, wrapping and aesthetic frictions. The material contains a wide range of harnesses for floor work and simple semi-suspension. It is strongly inspired by shibari works of Japanese artists I learned from over the last fifteen years. There is time to switch roles to deeper understand restriction from both the models perspective as well as the complex skill set of the rigger. In order to experience sexy phantasies and meditative ties.
Haus Sommer is located at Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt. The atelier with a tea kitchen allows for suspension on bamboo for four couples. The small group size creates an intimate frame to start exploring Shibari for single participants, couples and groups of peers.

– Please bring soft clothes and ropes if you have.
– You can register alone or with partner. If you want to join alone it’s possible to pair up with each other. We will try to connect single participants a few days befor the workshop, but can’t always guarantee. Many thanks for patience and understanding.
– At the beginning we suggest regular participation and practice to create a solid technical base.
– Costs 30 Euro per person.

Mail: workshops(at)dasniyasommer(dot)de / FB: haussommer / Insta: Kinbaku Haus / WA: +49-174-393 70 49

Dates: 18.3.2025
Hours: 19-21.30h
Costs: 30 Euro per person (max. four couples)

Haus Sommer is located at Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt – Wedding Uferstrasse 8,13357 Berlin. Entrance B6
In case the door is locked please call the number above.
Map here

In the picture: Eliko. Photographed by Werner Amann. Ropes: Dasniya.

Raven with Long Covid

Showcase Beat Le Mot - Raven with long Covid Hebbel am Ufer Berlin -Dasniya Sommer
By Showcase Beat Le Mot

Dates: Thu + Fri 19. + 20.December 2024. And Sat + Sun 4. + 5. Januar 2025.
German text and tickets here

“Breathe in, breathe out. Find a niche in the brutal world until the storm has passed. Breathe in, breathe out. Dealing with the authorities, healthcare forms. Noise & light are no longer a simple joke, but nasty everyday hurdles. Breathe in, breathe out. What happens when the limits of consideration meet the limits of perception? Breathe in, breathe out.”

“Raven” is a symposium, gathering and performance about peak performance and the question of what happens when nothing else works. The frame of reference is the chronic illness ME/CFS, as a chronicised form of Long Covid. Sick and non-ill artists are involved in the conception and design of the event series with various contributions. The title refers on the one hand to the dance and party culture of the 90s, and on the other to the claustrophobic fantasies of forced standstill as sketched by E.A. Poe in his famous poem of the same name.

Over four days, “Raven” creates space for the art that is created with and despite ME/CFS. ‘Raven’ is explicitly designed for sick people, companions and allies, as a theatre in a reclining position, with quiet spaces and landscapes with reduced stimuli.


Concept, realisation: Showcase Beat Le Mot / Artistic collaboration: Florian Feigl, Christopher-Felix Hahn, Albrecht Kunze / Performance by and with: Philip Albus & Ana Berkenhoff, Catherina Cramer, Katharina Cromme, Gosia Gajdemska, The Millennial Midlife Crisis, Malin Harff, Stephan Hellweg, Clara Heinrich, Anja Ibsch, Sunniva Innstrand, Ania Kolyszko, Josephine Lange, Sophie Lenglachner, Roxane Llanque, Romy Lutze, Sebastian Meissner, Dana Müller, Rebekka Muth, Leonard Nadolny, Carolin Ott, Crash Theater, Johanna Pigors, National Ballet of Kosovo, Julia Sandforth, Louisa Schiedek, Lilia Schliephacke, Showcase Beat Le Mot, Elisabetta Solin, Dasniya Sommer, Birte Viermann, Mirjam Wählen, Sebastian Warne, Lisa Wiedemann, Erik Zürn, 4 Faule Frauen, Dania Alasti, Toni Kritzer, Moritz Andreas Bürge, Amar Halilović, Lukas Kahn Kesler, Black Ferk Studio (Matthias Mollner, Judith Schößbock) /Technical direction: Bart Huybrechts / Production management: Olaf Nachtwey
Photo: Michael Shenbrot.

Production: Showcase Beat Le Mot. Co-production: HAU Hebbel am Ufer. Funded by: Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion, Hauptstadtkulturfonds.

Shibari Workshops November + Dezember

Four more Shibari
workshops until the end of year:

12.11.2024 from 19 – 21.30h at Haus Sommer
19.11.2024 from 19 – 21h –  Karada House
2.12. 2024 at 17h – Zimmt Festival, Leipzig
3.12.2024 from 19 – 21.30h – Haus Sommer

Topic: Durational Harnesses

We will look at classical full body ties for simple suspension. The Hishi-structure is a gradually tightening shape which is fun to build and useful to understand specific decorative elements. Adapting to all bodies, it can be untied with a dynamic vibe, a somewhat wild and gutty energy. Before tying it yourself we will repeat body manipulation principles on the floor.
From the models perpective the tying proccess
needs some patience, but invites also to deep relaxation and dreamy states of rope drunkenness.
Level: begginner with previous experience – light intermediate.

Hours: 19 – 21.30h
Price: 30€ p.p.

For the dates: Nov 12 + Dec 3 at Haus Sommer, you can register via mail: workshops(at)dasniyasommer(dot)de. More info about content/level and Haus Sommer location here.
For November 19th pls reserve your spot via the Karada House site. Last minute participants can pay by the door.

In the picture: Liz Rosenfeld (aka Riv) in their performance ‘ Thank you for your effort even if these requests cannot be fullfilled’.

As long as you want

Coaching ropes and choreographic kink for Sheena McGrandles new work
‘As long as you want’.

Opening: Wed 6.11.2024 at 20.30pm / Hau2
+ 7 + 8 + 9.11. at 20.30pm

The duet “as long as you want” by Sheena McGrandles and Eli Cohen is a choreographic study of lesbian temporalities. The work is inspired by a body of erotic fantasy literature – assembling a cross-temporal arch of female poetic voices. Ancient poet Sappho meets contemporary thinkers such as Anne Carson and Sara Torres, alongside kink and punk practices, including Shibari, gay shadow dance, and pogo. A personal exploration of desire unfolds in a pastel-coloured landscape, with patches of digital renderings and densely knotted denim structures developed together with the visual artist Anna Mirkin.

Through intense physical connections and ambivalent sensations an ongoing choreography of fractured spaces of dis/attachment emerge. Together the performers’ solo bodies meet and melt in a world of never ending waves, rough play, and figures caught in a horizon of want and longing. In this temporary cycle of swellings and throbbings, desire transcends its fleeting nature, revealing transformative, perverse, and polymorphous forces. Playful and engaging, “as long as you want” is a profound choreographic encounter with an impulse of moving toward someone who isn’t yet close enough.

Concept, choreography and performance: Sheena McGrandles / Performance by and with: Eli Cohen / Music composition: Stellan Veloce / Dramaturgy and Co-concept: Mila Pavićević / Set design: Anna Mirkin / Costume design: Evan Loxton, Nina Loxton /Light design: Elliott Cennetoglu / Choreographic Outside Eyes: Martin Hansen, Claire Vivienne Sobbotke / Shibari Practice with: Dasniya Sommer / Production: Anna von Glasenapp / high expectations / Production Assistant: Katharina Joy Book / Social Media: Dalia Hassan / Distribution: Paz Ponce / Thanks to: Nattan Dobbkin

Tying and Timing


Shibari classes at Karada House: 24.9. + 22.10.2024
Shibari classes at Haus Sommer 1. + 8.+ potentially 15. 10.‘24

Topic: Tying and Timing
Hours: 19-21h
Group size: max. 10 couples

Repeating Japanese inspired technique: futo momo, gote and potentially semi-suspension, we will look at different temporalities while tying. Considering the preparation time before a bondage ritual. Connecting individual rhythms of rope from slow binding to mid tempo or speed tying, and also talking about ‘crip time‘ – constellations. How can experimenting with tempi, rhythm and rope translate intimate desires into a groovy session? Or, how can we embrace our anti-groove?

More info and directions: Karada House
Address: KARA, Perleberger Straße 59, 10559 Berlin (Moabit)

More information and the Haus Sommer address here.

In ropes: Tara Samaya
Picture: Pippa Samaya

Research: SPK – der Sommer Phuong Komplex

Reasearching four weeks with Fungi Fung at Ada-Studio . Many thanks to:
Gabi Beier, Maria Ladopoulos and Liisi Hint!
And to our team:
‘Leichte Sprache’ translation and dramaturgical support: Manuel Gerst.
Outside eye: Clara Eckhardt and Akiles.
Critical companion: Melmun Bajarchuu.
There is an online stream of the performance on the Ada-site until Thursday March 21st.
And a text written by studio writer Maia Joseph.

Bunker Bondage

Joining this fun pilot project last minute: an interactive sound/rope installation at a former deep bunker in Friedrichshain from the 60ies. It was build for 250 people, several small rooms, and is now pretty run down and moist.
Both inspiring and irritating to bondage historical space, and during I was pondering about possible meanings. Is this how bunker architecture should be used, or exactly not?
But we only had two days. About the rope work it was most surprising that Keke and Wick managed to make the organic material sound. Jumping on the web and playing strings with fingers the audience co-created a sonic uncanny vibe. Thanks a lot to Keke (concept/sound) and Wick (cello) for inviting me. It was lovely to meet Taiga, tie with Natasha, and to add to Andy Buru’s ropy space ship.


The Un-conference / Queer Rope Festival Berlin

Looking forward to teach two workshops at the Un-conference/ Queer Rope Festival by Karada House

14.9.2023  – ‘Forrest’
The workshop focuses on creating a tying session for trios (co-topping). We begin with a demonstration using intermediate-level ties and upline technique. As there is no obligation to strictly follow a pattern participants are invited to work on individual levels and intensities which feel appropriate to the constellation. Exercises will include playful tools for moving and restricting the partner in space. And for timing, allowing sadistic fantasies to gradually unfold, as well as care impulses to build a session-like scenery.
We will include objects and organic materials such as stones, green or dry leaves, and plants/roots. Some material will be provided, but if possible please bring it along as well.
Teaching assistants: Gloria and Jonas.

15.9.2023  – ‘Dreaming’
This light intermediate technique class is for people who like to give their shoulders a rest from classical box harnesses. The hands front position allows for a longer, sexy play sessions on the floor without stressing nerves. To add intensity the lower body can lightly be suspended.
Model: Eliko.

For festival tickets go here.