A quick invitation, if you are in Berlin come by tonight and see our performance ‘blume blume’ at Eurix-Holzmarkt.
Yesterday was fleshy fun! :)

24+25 Oktober. Doors open at 7pm, shows start at 8pm, we are on around 9pm.
More info here

Holzmarktstrasse 25 – Säalchen, shows start at 8pm, doors open at 7pm.
Premiere: with Fisherman, 2nd show with Fel in ropes.

blume, blume

maskuline muskelblumen


blütenblut und wutrinde





mytrambienstürme Vortexschluchten


staubstummel, laubstücke, blütenstaub


symchtonisches Zaudern

stille im wald


24. October tying with Flo Blondie

is working with foam puppets and dance , theatre and signs
with animals and objects. Worked a lot with other-abled people.
Also Puppetmaker theatres and sometimes film.

25. October tying with Fel

Since about one year Fel attends the Shibari classes in Haus Sommer.
And inspite of his bodysize of 1. 95 meter hight ( and 85 kg weight) the sunnyboy prooved to be surprisingly talented for suspension as a model.
The reason may be in his yoga or surf background or in his other activities which compose his phisicality or in his positiv spirit.
So he made the step from the classes within a single year to the stage and he was nominated from Haus Sommer for this performance.

Shibari classes in June 2019

Tuesday evening classes:
Intermediate level: 6pm – 8.15pm
Beginner level: 8.15pm – 10.15pm

Shibari classes in June will partially be replaced:

– 4 + 11  as ususal by me: 6pm interm. + 8.15pm beginner CLASSES ON THE 11TH ARE CANCELLED!!!
– 18th: 6pm interm. at 8.15pm beginner by Kinbaku_boy (here mostly in ropes)
– 25th June there is one class at 7pm for both intermediate + beginners by Clyo Rospy

For more class information please scroll up.

10 meter in den wilden westen

Fond memories of Dennis Seidel’s / Meine Damen und Herren  western drama 10 Meter in den Wilden Westen early this year. A bunch of cowgirls, Nscho-tschi and a mare living in Dawsons Creek. Revenching my dead fam, and helping me hunt down this sneaky bitch Tatjana Thorns! 🤠
The rope scene didn’t make it to the final, but it was much fun to work it with Solène.
We remount the show in Mainz and Berlin this autumn.
Photos: Simone Scardovelli