Tomorrow Friday on Instagram at Dasniya_Sommer – February 26, 4pm

Rope Barre‘ starts with a shoulder blade warm up. With ‚Musculus Subscapularis‘, one of the deep shoulder and breast muscles. Running between the front part of the blade to the upper arm where it inserts on the very inside. When the arm is turned in or pushed against the torso, like when it is freezing or the soul is tensing up, it‘s this M. Subscapularis which get’s active.
Personally both of mine have been injured for a few years. With the arm positions in ballet, with pulling up weights in bondage, or with the arms cross tied behind the back it’s the tendons of this muscle which can get inflamed. (Like to say here that this is not necessarily the ‚fault‘ of the practices, but rather how it’s done and taught.) Nevertheless both ballet and bondage are radical in terms of anatomical intensity (and perhaps from other perspectives). Doing both extensively I see it as the collateral damage of professional ‚use‘ of my body. Nevertheless the price is high. DisTanzenSolo currently supports me to take care of many old dance injuries and at the same time develop a gentle choreographic training routine without production pressure.
This month focus is on developing a somatic strength training for the scapula and it‘s surrounding structures, a not so tiny part of the arm. And because it‘s invisible for our forward looking species I am rediscovering it’s minor movement by sensing it’s location to start with. Inspired by the manual therapeutic practice ‚PNF‘, which I learned about in my physio therapie training more than 15 years ago. I had forgotten about it, but my shoulder misery led me to integrate it in my current daily training and movement research.  ‚PNF‘ means proprioceptive-neuro-fascilitation. Kind of an anatomical self-sensing skill, which most people on the planet use navigating through space. If functioning, this sense tells the mover in which position their joints are. So that also in the dark we know our physical positioning in time and space. That’s the neuro-wiring between the joint capsule- and skin tension, and the brainy part – that‘s how I roughly remember. A pretty awesome and complex sense, which is used mostly without thinking.
For the shoulder blade warm up it‘s necessary to relay on this tactile sense. It’s especially trained in dance and other high coordination sports. But I find the scapula gets often neglected (especially in more conventional classical training), cause it‘s not an obvious articulation like hip or shoulder, and from the old days it‘s all about ‚Isolation‘.

After warming the blade up the routine of a ballet barre follows. The barre is almost an institution by itself I find. A ritual, a codified and useful object, and therefor it’s replaced by ropes. An experimental ‚barre‘ with impromptus steps. Requiring the shoulder girdle to stabilise the arms. For the moment there are no fixed sequences, the guts pour out steps by heart.
The wrist rope make sensible (fühlbar) how the upper limb connects to the blade in the back. From there letting your creative part of the brain take over. Playing with partial restriction. Going back to floor level. Don‘t pull strongly, rather use ropes holding your wrists to push (thrust) down and move rather slow than fast.
There are lot‘s of bridges between, ballet inspired impulses and bondage somatics. Let‘s not hunt shapes! But rather going through them and staying on a sensing level while breathing. And than, once in a while letting go of the concentration part and the muscle support, so that weight is actually falling into ropes or towards the floor. Integrating inner imagery and emo moments can be fun. If you hover over them for a while they might transform, intensify or go away. Think it‘s all valid on an experience level (without forceful phantasies for this round.)
Undoing the ropes can be a moment by itself. Same here, taking the inner drive into the action. Gently, exhausted or wild are colours of mind sets which inform the action/movement quality.
This is my current ‚freeing the shoulder blade and connecting back to my upper limb spirits!‘ tutorial.

Tomorrow Friday on Instagram at Dasniya_Sommer – February 26, 4pm

Trailer: Rope Barre – DisTanzenSolo 

„Gefördert durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Programm NEUSTART KULTUR, [Hilfsprogramm DIS-TANZEN/ tanz:digital/ DIS-TANZ-START] des Dachverband Tanz Deutschland.“

Glutamat in Progress

Two weeks into ‘Glutamat’. Researching by myself. Once in a while different dancers are joining on the forth floor of Ballhaus Ost. Collecting material about fast- and slow food behaviour. Climbing up and down the small ladder to fit the set into the space. Eating Ramen. Reading on ballet by ‘Mishima’ (Thx to Gestalta! And yes, he is problematic.) Learning sequences to the dancers, in- and outdoors. Eating Ramen. Checking out Codemiko (Thx to Frances!), this awesome fem streamer and former gaming programer, who drives people crazy on snitch these days. I much enjoy her edgy, over the top style! Here are some in between steps. ..

This research is part of Take Care Residenzen, supported by Ballhaus Ost, Flausen Netzwerk and Fonds Darstellende Künste. Very glad to continue this work in progress which started last year for ‘An unboxing Ballet Beat’. Choreographic documentation on video will be up on this blog from mid April.




Dear shibari friends and newbies,
there are three beginner and intermediate shibari classes in March:

Because of Covid – 19 all upcoming shibari classes from March to August are cancelled!
I hope small gatherings are allowed to takes place soon again.

Tuesday evening classes:
March 10 + 17 + 24 

April 7 + 14 +21 +

Intermediate level: 6pm – 8.15pm
Beginner level: 8.15pm – 10.15pm

The intermediate class focusses on floor work and introduces half- and/or full-suspension technique. You need to know basic shibari, firm column ties and A suspendable TK (box tie/gote).
We look closely at the tension of harnesses and test if they are suspendable. Lock-off techniques for half-/suspension, up-lines on ring, and in the second step on bamboo.
The material also contains: safety principles like general friction, pain processing strategies for the model, and sculpting the body in the air.

We recommend to attend this class with a partner. If you don’t have a partner, or if you are not sure about the level please contact us.

The beginner course is directed at learning the basics of Shibari/Kinbaku technique. We start systematically with efficient handling of body, rope, and safety principles. The material contains a wide range of harnesses for floor work. Understanding restriction from the models perspective, and the complex skill set of the rigger, to create erotic phantasies or a meditative tie.

– Please bring soft clothes and ropes if you have.
– You don’t need to sign up for all three dates. Its a drop in class.
If possible I suggest regular participation and repitition at the beginning to create a solid technical base.
– You can register alone or with a partner. If you come alone you can pair up with each other, and in case there is an odd number of people we usually make a trio, or I jump in. It always works out. :)
– Costs 20 Euro per person

Register beforehand: or DM on FB at haussommer
+49 174 393 70 49

Costs: 20 Euro per person
10 class card 160 €

Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt – Wedding Uferstrasse 8,13357 Berlin. Entrance B6
Call this number in case the door is locked:    +49 174 3937049
Map here

Shibari Classes in July + August

Tuesday evening classes:
Intermediate level: 6pm – 8.15pm
Beginner level: 8.15pm – 10.15pm

Shibari classes in July will partially be replaced:

– July 2: 6pm intermediate, and 8.15pm beginner level by Kinbaku_boy (here mostly in ropes)

– July 9:  there is one class at 7pm for both intermediate + beginners by Clyo Rospy

– July 16 + 30: 6pm intermediate, and 8.15pm beginner level by me (no class July 23rd!!!)

– August 13,20,27: also 6pm intermediate, and 8.15pm beginner level by me (no classes on the 6th!)

Shibari classes in June 2019

Tuesday evening classes:
Intermediate level: 6pm – 8.15pm
Beginner level: 8.15pm – 10.15pm

Shibari classes in June will partially be replaced:

– 4 + 11  as ususal by me: 6pm interm. + 8.15pm beginner CLASSES ON THE 11TH ARE CANCELLED!!!
– 18th: 6pm interm. at 8.15pm beginner by Kinbaku_boy (here mostly in ropes)
– 25th June there is one class at 7pm for both intermediate + beginners by Clyo Rospy

For more class information please scroll up.