Shibari classes at Haus Sommer continue in October: 1 + 8 + 15, 2024.

The course Beginner with Previous Experience is directed at learning the basics of Shibari/Kinbaku technique. We start the class intuitively by following individual impulses with rope. After that, the main part of the evening we focus on systematic management of rope, body handling and safety principles: knots, wrapping and aestetic frictions. The material contains a wide range of harnesses for floor work and simple semi-suspension. It is strongly inspired by shibari works of Japanese artists I learned from over the last fifteen years. There is time to switsch roles to better understand restriction from both the models perspective as well as the complex skill set of the rigger, in order to experience sexy phantasies and meditative ties.

– Please bring soft clothes and ropes if you have.
– You can register alone or with partner. If you want to join alone it’s possible to pair up with each other. We will try to connect single participants a few days befor the workshop, but can’t always guarantee. Many thanks for patience and understanding.
– At the beginning we suggest regular participation and practice to create a solid technical base.
– Costs 30 Euro per person.

Mail: workshops(at)dasniyasommer(dot)de / FB: haussommer / Insta: Kinbaku Haus / WA: +49-174-393 70 49

Hours: 19-21.30h
Costs: 30 Euro per person (max. four couples)

Haus Sommer is at Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt – Wedding Uferstrasse 8,13357 Berlin. Entrance B6
Call the number above in case the door is locked.
Map here

In the picture: Eliko. Photographed by Werner Amann. Ropes: Dasniya.


Happy to announce that I will teach two workshops at virtual Queer Rope Festival by Karada House:
1. Shibari Spa – combining hot stone massage with ropes.
2. Plastic Coocons – developing narrative by involving material into self-tying.
All workshops take place online to meet queer shibari womên and our community from five time zones.
Thanks a lot to Caritia – I much enjoyed teaching together ^^ and to Karada House!
Full program and tickets here.

Haus Sommer – Yum Yum


Nächste Termine:
12.5.2023, 20:00
13.5.2023, 20:00
14.5.2023, 18:00

Pappel Allee 15
10437 Berlin /Prenzlauerberg
U2 Eberswalderstrasse

Strudel aus Verpackungsmüll zirkulieren im Ozean. Feminine Haie leuchten. Flinke Hände falten Oversize Origami. Seile werden zu Nudeln, zu Gedärmen, zu Geisternetzen. Care-Pas de Deux’ und Slow-food Porn treffen am Wok-Lagerfeuer einer thailändischen Megacity aufeinander. In der Tanzperformance entlädt sich der visuelle Kosmos einer glutamatgeschwängerten Fast Food Welt und aus eurozentristischer Sicht schwer verdauliche Lebensrealitäten führen rituell in absurde Gewässer.

Dasniya Sommer sucht mit Michael Schumacher vom inklusiven Ensemble Meine Damen und Herren, der MMA-Performerin Fungi Fung, der queer-ecologischen Tänzerin Tara Jade Samaya und Yui Kawaguchi Zusammenhänge zwischen Verdauung, Künstlichkeit und Kulturen. Mit Reflexionen über ‘Bodies of Water’ und Hydrofeminismus entsteht eine assoziative Bilderreise für eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit Antiasiatischem Rassismus (und Exotismus).

Haus Sommer ist das Netzwerk-Label der Tänzerin und Choreographin Dasniya Sommer. In wechselnden Kollaborationen mit anderen Künstler:innen untersucht und erweitert sie die Formensprache klassischen Balletts unter dem Einfluss von Shibari, Body Art und zeitgenössischer Performance Kunst.

Tanz, Choreographie, Stage
Dasniya Sommer
Tanz, Co-Choreographie, Performance
Michael Schumacher, Yui Kawaguchi, Tara Jade Samaya, Fungi Fung
Künstlerische Mitarbeit
Simone Burckhardt
Barbara Schmidt Rohr, Marie Baumgarten
Sound Design, Composition
Nguyễn + Transitory
Bühnenbild Assistenz
Mark Schröppel
Critical Companion
Juli Reinartz, Melmun Bajarchuu
Dennis Kahn
Technische Leitung
Fabian Eichner
Video, Dokumentation
Pippa Samaya
Anna Konrad
Foto by Mayra Wallraff / Design Kruse&Müller

Herzlichen Dank an
Christoph Grothaus – Meine Damen und Herren Ensemble und Sina Schröppel.

Eine Produktion von Haus Sommer in Kooperation mit dem Ballhaus Ost und mit Unterstützung des Meine Damen und Herren Ensembles. Gefördert durch die Prozessförderung des Fonds Darstellende Künste aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen von NEUSTART KULTUR.

Shibari Class February/March

Tuesday February 21, 2023
Wednesdays March 8 + 22, 2023

The course Beginner with Previous Experience is directed at learning the basics of Shibari/Kinbaku technique. We start systematically with efficient handling of body, rope, and safety principles (knots, wrapping and friction). The material contains a wide range of harnesses for floor work. Understanding restriction from the models perspective, and the complex skill set of the rigger, to create erotic phantasies or a meditative tie.


December 20th 2022

The course Beginner with Previous Experience is directed at learning the basics of Shibari/Kinbaku technique. We start systematically with efficient handling of body, rope, and safety principles (knots, wrapping and friction). The material contains a wide range of harnesses for floor work. Understanding restriction from the models perspective, and the complex skill set of the rigger, to create erotic phantasies or a meditative tie.

In the picture: Eliko.


November 22nd, 2022

The course Beginner with Previous Experience is directed at learning the basics of Shibari/Kinbaku technique. We start systematically with efficient handling of body, rope, and safety principles (knots, wrapping and friction). The material contains a wide range of harnesses for floor work. Understanding restriction from the models perspective, and the complex skill set of the rigger, to create erotic phantasies or a meditative tie.