Profitraining Ballett

Lets dance! Vom 24. – 27. Dezember 2013 vertrete ich Chizu Kimuras Profitraining in Berlin –Prenzlauerberg.

Daten: 24. – 27.12.2013
Uhrzeit: 12.-13.30 h
Wo: Center of Dance Directions
In der ‘Kulturbrauerei’, Schönhauseralle 36, 10435 Berlin, U–Bhf Eberswalderstr

Wie wir Tanzbewegungen reflektieren und sie verstehen bestimmt unseren Tanz und die Technik selbst. In diesem Kurs können grundlegende Kenntnisse des klassischen Systems aufgefrischt und erweitert werden. Wir lernen Tanzanatomie vor einem physiotherapeutischen Hintergrund kennen, und legen den Fokus auf effizientes Alignment, Atmung und was dem eigenen Körper gut tut. Auf dieser Basis versuchen wir zu den extremen Ufern dieser Technik vordringen, diese Grenzen tänzerisch abzutasten und den Körper positiv zu strapazieren. Musikalisch tausche ich den Klavierkontext in einigen Übungen aus, und freue mich auf kompositorische Bewegungsflüsse, und eine kollektive Eroberung des Raums!

Mehr Info

'Punk Ballerina' by John Stamos for a Karol Armitage performance
‘Punk Ballerina’ by John Stamos for a Karol Armitage performance

Starwurst – Ballett

Hier ein Ausschnitt aus der Produktion ‘Starwurst’ von das Helmi.

In Berliner Kindergärten und Grundschulen geht seit einiger Zeit ein lauter werdendes Geraune durch die Reihen. Es ist die Rede von Verschwörungen, wunderbaren Wesen und leuchtenden Schwertern, einem weisen Zwerg und vielem mehr. Wissen wird weitergeben und geheime Informationen gehen von Mund zu Mund. Mehr Info hier 


Quickly sewing point shoes – Photo: Frances d'Ath
Quickly sewing point shoes

On Friday 22nd, 2013 there was an open stage evening at Motion Studios which takes place twice a year, and dancers and their trainers can present what they are working on in an informal frame.

Yui and me got to show an excerpt from ‘Agon’ by George Balanchine. The Gailliarde duet with music from Igor Stravinsky. It’s fucking weird to count, but very beautiful to move to once we got used to it. After that I did the ‘Kitri’ variation from ‘Don Quixote’, which I have been working on, but also paused for a while. I unfortunately over rehearsed it a little, so that my ankle got injured. Nevertheless I decided to do it on pointe, but there also went my concentration ;) have a look.

Since a while I am thinking about how to use ballet technique for performance. After this evening we spoke more about how to make the process visible, rather than the perfect end product, or on which other levels ballet can tell more than ideal bodies and romantic images. How could it be more punk, conceptually but also performance wise?

It was a great learning process to wrap my mind around these two, and train the complex states of thinking, imagining, counting, breathing…, which I much notice in my daily training. Thanks again to Jo Siska who rehearsed with us, and to Frances d’Ath who filmed the evening.

To see the video please write an email to Then we send you the password.

Performance: Starwurst Premiere – das Helmi

Heute, Samstag den 19.10.2013 um 16 Uhr premiert ‘Starwurst’ vom Helmi–Puppentheater im Ballhaus Ost, Berlin. Wir freuen uns in einer Woche enthusiastischen Probens die drei Filme auf einen Abend zusammengestückt zu haben. Das ganze für alle, Kinder (SA + SO 16 Uhr), und nächste Woche am 23.,24.,25. um 20 Uhr dann die Erwachsenen Version. Mehr Informationen hier.

Starwurst – das Helmi
Starwurst – das Helmi

Ballet Tryout 1 – Kitri

I am currently working on ballet ideas for performance. For the last couple of weeks I threw myself to learning classical variations after class, with Jo Siska at Motion*s Berlin. Thanks to both of them for the generous support!

Its a kind of new-old experience dancing these demanding but very fun steps (if they happen to work out ;). Here is a work in progress video of a Russian Kitri version, which I took from Olesya Novikova. Thanks to Frances d’Ath for filming it!

Performance: ‘MA√ 15 { idiosyncrasy } || sin x = ly – fx²¯

Yay, next weekend Frances and I will travel to England. I am looking much forward to revive this special solo, this year for the Leeds crowd! It will be different again, rethinking the craziness and also kinda roughness I went through when I first made it in 2009. At the moment much of the rehearsal process goes into building core strength. A straight forward muscular workout. Than it takes some time to train the skin, which after a while behaves not as skin usually does around the waist. When I was presenting it several times in a row my waist grew little soft hair, almost fur like, which vanishes as soon as the strain ends. Its only 18 minutes long, but quiet packed with things to think about as I am in the air and try not to rest on the floor. The last rehearsal phase goes into finding the more meditative qualities and of course fun in it!

A Skin-Two event at Vox – a contemporary event space near Leeds City Centre.
More information here video

Photo: P. Pajdic, Performance: Dasniya Sommer, ‘MA√ 15 { idiosyncrasy } || sin x = ly – fx²¯ Dasniya Sommer
Photo: P. Pajdic @ City of Women Festival – Llubljana 2011
Photo: P. Pajdic, Performance: Dasniya Sommer, ‘MA√ 15 { idiosyncrasy } || sin x = ly – fx²¯ Dasniya Sommer
Photo: I. Gerber @ Tanztage Berlin 2009