POLINA Semionova!

OMG, when it comes to ballet I am such a groupie! In the last two weeks went to see the Staatsballett Berlin twice. To see Polina Semionova dance Swan Lake and Giselle.  She is utterly stunning. Every step is carefully, thoughtfully placed, and her person seems to vanish into the character she dances. Her presence and oneness with the role, especially as ephemeral being or ‘Elementargeist’.
Sometimes I would like her to perform a little more edgy, as black swan or in Giselle’s mad scene. But maybe that comes with more time, and well, thats also a lack in ballet education!
The Swan Lake evening was a double highlight, it was also Beatrice Knop’s farewell, after being a ballerina with the company for a quarter century  — what an immense effort!
It was touching, she took of her point shoes during the applause, and left them at the edge of the stage, mountains of flowers for the queen mother, her role that night.

Usually I wouldn’t bother too much, but this brought up memories. After the show I had her biography autographed by her, and when it was my turn I congratulated saying:
‘Hi, do you remember, a long time ago I was a little apprentice in the Staatsballett and we shared a dressing room.’
‘She looked up saying ‘Yea, I very well remember your face, good luck!’. ‘For you too!’ It was nice moment and reconciling with the old times ;)

PAF – Performance with Virginia

Quick posting between cities.. I had a week off from filming the ‘Affenkönig’ in the Provence and took the train north to PAF (Performance Art Forum) in St. Erme, North France. A beautiful train ride through the country :)

I heard many good things about this place and for a while wanted to spend time in a sort of hippy artistic place, focussing on performance research and easy community living. PAF is more than that!
Almost by chance I met Virginia Barratt, a so dear friend of mine, and writer from Australia.
We hadn’t seen for a while, and when I arrived she sat in the garden of the old women’s monastery, as if waiting for me ;)
Spontaneously we wanted to do something something.. Throwing together ideas around ballet, rope and text,
(she currently writes her PhD on ‘PANIC’ – wow & wuff). On my last day we showed what we had in an old chapel.

Festival: Zirkus des Fortschritts – das Helmi

Nach Berlin und Bremen geht der Zirkus des Fortschritts in die dritte Runde. Vom 26.8. – 6.9. zieht die Helmi-Truppe durch die Berner Innenstadt und freut sich auf das bunte Treiben im dortigen Schlachthaus.

Hier einige Momente aus Bremen: Pilzballett, creating the yellow bastard, Boxkampf, Froschkönig, SolameMusicShow, Dauerregen, Sin City & Bondage auf dem Goetheplatz ;)

Die Große Mysterien Show – Frostfamilie

Letztes Wochenende..ein Rausch, ein tolles Fest, zehn mal spielen mit der Frostfamilie auf dem Schaubudenfestival in Dresden. Spannende und glückliche Performancebegegnungen mit Marie aka Rotkäppchenmän, Felix aka Schlechtmän, Otto aka Sphinxmän, Cora Frost aka Gutmän und ich war Ballerinamän ;) Zuletzt, um Mitternacht schwammen wir die Überraschungsperformance im Stadtbad.

Performance: Die Große Mysterien Show – Cora Frost

Die Frostfamilie hat mich adoptiert! Vom 16 – 18 Juli spielen wir auf dem Schaubudenfestival in Dresden.

Die große Mysterienschau

Sie ist wieder dabei,  die Frostfamilie, die ihren Karren wieder gepackt hat! Wohin fahren sie, woher kommen sie, niemand weiß es so recht. Sie sind die Guerilleras auf der großen Wiese der Unterhaltung. Traktorist Otto führt den Zug wieder an. Was wissen wir schon über die Geheimnisse des Universums? Über verirrte Herden von Schneeflocken, die glitzernd durchs All treiben? Was wissen wir über die Kriege zwischen den Glockenblumen und deren Sanftheit? Wir sind in einer Schlacht, die unsere ist, gegen den Sternenstaub von Jahrmillionen Jahren, aus dem wir selber sind. Aus Diamanten und Rohstoffen. Mensch Leute! Macht die Augen auf! Überall die Schönheit!! Wir lieben euch. Was bleibt uns sonst noch. Seid klug, mutig und besucht uns. Tretet ein!

Jeder sollte eine Frostfamilie haben!

die Frostfamilie 2015

diesmal mit
meiner Cousine, der schönen Dasniya Merhaba aus den endlosen brodelnden Tulpengärten Konstantinopels

mit der einsamen Marie, aus den Kaskadenwasserfällen Halles in die Rufe der Kraniche geboren, eine meiner zahllosen verschollenen Nichten

mit meinem äußerst attraktiven Vetter Otto, Traktorist, Musizist, Liebhaber von fast allem und allen



Communist Ballet

Remounting the Helmi-performance Big Birds Small Birds (after Pasolini’s movie from the 60’s) was much enjoyment this week end. Here some photos of the original chinese ballet The red detachement of Women from 1965, and a video excerpt, our Helmi interpretation ;)

Performance: Große Vögel Kleine Vögel – das Helmi

Große Vögel Kleine Vögel –photo by Brian Morrow
Große Vögel Kleine Vögel –photo by Brian Morrow

Next weekend das Helmi remounts Große ‘Vögel kleine Vögel’ at Ballhaus Ost Berlin. ***A must see!***

Biggest Helmi Team ever !
in a Weird Horrible Spectacle !
it’s poetic its obscene !
it’s all across borders !

“Ich liebe das Leben so wild, so verzweifelt, daß mir daraus nichts gutes erwachsen kann. Ich meine damit die physischen Gaben des Lebens, die Sonne das Gras die Jugend; das ist ein schlimmeres Laster als die Abhängigkeit von Kokain, es kostet mich nichts und ist in grenzenlosem Überfluss ohne Einschränkung vorhanden:und ich verschlinge und verschlinge…”
Pier Paolo Pasolini, Ragazzi di vita

Friday May 15 – 17, 2015
Always at 8 pm

at Ballhaus Ost
Pappelalle 15, 10437 Berlin
U2 Eberswalderstraße


Shibari Express in Stockholm

After a full week of workshops and rehearsals at the NYXXX collective at Rökridån, Frances and I had worked on a couple of new performance ideas with ropes and with masks. This is a slightly new enterprise I started in recent performances. Exploring the theatricality using latex masks. There is a distinct perception of the material and the combination with domestic settings and quotidian actions, which I think are worth investigating. The way we used them, they generated a sort of anthropomorphic quality in the movement and the reading of animal relationships. It was not about animal play though. They are also an interesting tool to generate choreography from a different mode of body awarness, because of the slight  deprivation of either the eye sight, or the hearing ability. How do we move, dance if these primary senses for orientation are reduced? How do we eat, bike, wait and so on.

Two weeks ago I taught a workshop at Meg Stuarts/Damaged Goods new production ‘Until Our Hearts Stop’, dealing with topics around intimicy. After a three hour warm up, they got the masks to improvise, and most dancers were in one or the other way flashed or inspired. Mostly I think they experienced a certain freedom and strangeness in motoric impulses. Allowing a strange way to move and a different sense for timing. Something shifts  when  the cat, pig or the dog become personalities. When they encounter or make human decisions. We will continue this research! Here are a couple sweet moments from the performance.

Intermediate Ballet class at Motions* Berlin

Pretty pretty Grunewald! This was a shooting by Ursula Scheid for Asmara last year.
Pretty pretty Grunewald! This was a shooting by Ursula Scheid for Asmara last year.

Two Saturdays, April 18 + 25 I will teach Jo Siska’s ballet class at Motion*s Berlin:

Hours: 12 – 12.30 h
Location: Motion*s, directly at Moritzplatz (U8 und M29),
Access via ORANIENHOF coming from Oranienstraße, staircase B1
Costs: 6 € More info here

Info here