Autonomous Avatar Excerpt

Back to dancing Tobia’s Staab’s Autonomous Avatar at Planetarium Bochum. This time as solo. And no less adventurous to motion capture our creepy beauties (by Luis Krawen).
We experienced how fragile the technique still is. Big thanks to Warja Rebakova for translating my movement to the full dome. Where the avatars went their own way during our second show. They first obediently danced, crawled just as I do on stage as reference body surrounding the Zeiss Universarium IX projector ;). But suddently Sumo-ballerina jumped accross the dome hectically, flickering behind the emergency exit sign and didn’t reappear befor the show ended. These glitches and errors are most helpful with developing the piece further, but during the performance it gave me an massive sense of my tininess.

The next show will be in Berlin at A. MAZE festival / Silent Green on May 9th, 2024.