When: October 22. 2017
From 1 – 7pm
Costs: 150 €
This workshop is about tying for arousal and how to combine shibari and sex.
We will manage both practical and psychological aspects surrounding the topic of sex and shibari. The ties taught during this class are not only chosen out of practical reasons but also with the intention of being erotically interesting in themselves. In other words, this is not just a workshop about “bondage that is easy to fuck your partner in” but the idea is to cater also to those with a sexual interest in the rope play in itself. Apart from going through some specific ties we will talk about different approaches to sex in kinbaku and how one can build up an arousing session. An example is how the aesthetics of the tie play part in attraction and setting the tone of the scene.
Dasniya and Tamandua like to explore poetic extremes with ropes. While their background in kinbaku differs a lot they both share a strong interest for the aesthetically creative and emotionally ambiguous side of the practice.
Tamandua is rigger with a wide variety of influences. His style draws heavily on erotically tormenting rope to create visually and emotionally alluring scenes.
Dasniya has done a lot of work and research connecting shibari with fields such as dance and performing arts. She is especially fascinated by the dramatic potential and playful complexity of kinbaku.
**6 hour workshop with room for 4 couples only! **
For registration:
Participants have to register in couples. To make the most out of the workshop you should sign up with a partner whom you are comfortable doing intimate type of rope play with. Riggers need prior experience in shibari/kinbaku. Not all content but some ties will require basic knowledge about suspension to be able to follow.
For more information and registration please write an email to: tamanduaengstrom@gmail.com or workshops@dasniyasommer.de