Highly recommended: Tamandua Ropë is teaching a semi-suspension workshop at Haus Sommer!
When: Sunday 19, March
Hours: 6.30-9.30 pm ( 3 hours )
Costs: 60 €
Where: Uferhallengelände Wedding
This workshop is for people who have been doing a fair bit of floorwork and now feel like adding another element to their kinbaku – gravity!
The use of suspension points opens up a broad rage of options and sensations for both rigger and bunny not available without. Often it adds a higher intensity and asks for sharper focus from the rigger and more endurance from the bunny. But it also functions as a tool to shape and control the body in new ways.
We will go through techniques of drawing, handling and locking off suspension lines as well as what to be aware of in terms of safety when managing someone elses or your own weight in ropes.
Second half of the class we will apply the techniques by learning a coupleof simple but effective semi-suspension ties.
Prerequisites: Riggers should have a fair bit of experience in tying on the floor and feel confident enough in basic technique and rope handling – ask if unsure!
Bunnys should have some prior experience of being in different kinds of ties.
You need to come in couples and it’s recommended if you already know eachother and maybe even tied together before.
To sign up write a PM to Tamandua or email tamanduaengstrom@gmail.com
There is room for maximum of 7 couples. The workshop takes place in Wedding, adress is given after registration.