Grenzenlos Kulturfestival Mainz.
Not all performances start easy but still they can be fun! Arriving on Friday and rehearsing into to the night at the Glasshouse of the Staatstheater. What if the dancing bike unexpectedly doesn’t run across the dance floor?
What is wonderful condition for dancers, turned out to be a nightmare for our Silke. Sticking to the ground, rubber wheels on rubber floor, nobody there to help, except Burkhard on the phone with some precious Mac Gyver solution. Like always helping in the last moment. We found a compromise to reduce our frustration.
Our show was to be all about lightness and speedy movement, contrasted with calm bondage. Thats what Silke and I have been exploring for some month. Accompanied by Johannas sound and Florians live guitar.
Including scenes we ritually go through in rehearsals. It had all in it, tying my boy and Silke, and dancing ballet.
The café scene, cause there is much fascinating stuff Silke has to tell, especially when it comes to her experience and life as small states persecutor. But it is not only her size that make things different and challenge me to find bondage alternatives. There are other bodily conditions which on one hand are restrictions, but on the other hand give us unique choreographic possibilities. Like her powerful lower arms, or air bondage with only one suspension chord :)
It was the first time showing this material to the public. Still a bit fragile, but people appreciated the mediative process (some got nervous, but ok ;)
Overall I think it was a good step for us, and against all odds I much look forward to continue!