Performance: ‘This Poem is not a Panic’

this poem is not a panic
this poem is not a panic

This Saturday night in Mitte:
My friend Virginia Barratt from Australia is in Berlin, and together with her Frances d’ Ath and Neha Spellfish, we have a show at Kunsthaus KuLe.

‘This Poem is not a Panic’ 

chaotic lines unspeaking sense in a sonic field of deep data and hammering silence, chaotic lines tying dissociated limbs as speech becomes gesture dressed in corpse paint. let’s be self conscious, awkward and embarrassing, let’s make angst from speech and produce a humorous balm from the awful. laugh cry laugh laugh cry. the ocean is an ocean of tears. the wind is many sighs. creep around the uncomfortable, making monsters out of reason.

neha spellfish: sonics
virginia barratt: performative crying
dasniya sommer: creeping butoh corpse and rope
frances d’ath: black metal bedroom
schnucki rennpferd: bondsman

Saturday July 9th, 2016
10.30 pm -1 am
Kule e.V.
Auguststraße 10
10117 Berlin