Yay, next weekend Frances and I will travel to England. I am looking much forward to revive this special solo, this year for the Leeds crowd! It will be different again, rethinking the craziness and also kinda roughness I went through when I first made it in 2009. At the moment much of the rehearsal process goes into building core strength. A straight forward muscular workout. Than it takes some time to train the skin, which after a while behaves not as skin usually does around the waist. When I was presenting it several times in a row my waist grew little soft hair, almost fur like, which vanishes as soon as the strain ends. Its only 18 minutes long, but quiet packed with things to think about as I am in the air and try not to rest on the floor. The last rehearsal phase goes into finding the more meditative qualities and of course fun in it!
A Skin-Two event at Vox – a contemporary event space near Leeds City Centre.
More information here video