What is Yoga & Shibari?
The workshop combines yoga and the Japanese rope technique ‘Shibari’. First, we do yoga to develop a sense of our own body anatomy; the simultaneous perception of one’s own breathing and bodymap is therefore important. In doing so, we can better empathise with another body while in the play of rope. In some asanas (yoga postures) ropes are integrated, or we tie ourselves from the start and do yoga while in a foot or breast-harness. The touch of the material helps clarify one’s investigation of the posture, and mixes the sensual and manual skills of bodies and ropes.
In the second part we come to mix different rope techniques and stir things up. For Shibari figure technique, we are guided by the precision and acrobatic art of Osada Steve, while Arisue Go’s philosophy is particularly suitable for beginners and can give impetus to explore one’s own ideas,
We ourselves have developed in recent years, a technique that we call messy tying. Traditional elements are retained here and combined with improvisation principles; the apparent order in the inner chaos is a kind of punk bondage! We also work with a feminist attitude towards Shibari: if porn, then please be sure to view a feminist porn! Everyone ties everyone, and male bodies captivated and tied is also sexy! For neat and clean tying and rope work in these workshops, we will also be covering the basic knots, fundamentals for breast-harness, and suspension and safety principles.
In pair or group situations in which we develop a bodily conversation, we see expressions of queer, grotesque or purely abstract play language. This may create relaxing and sometimes uninterpretable compositions of sensory stimuli, or also symbolically charged moments. We work here as well with methods drawn from dance and contact improvisation, and elements from role-playing games.
Since the level of the participants in yoga, games, and rope-work are always different, we work from the first on the level of personal experience. We also always give individual instructions.
Workshop 1: Yoga & Shibari Weekend Workshop 19th-21st July
Beginning Friday evening, the 19th July and continuing till Sunday evening, the 21st July, Dasniya will be working with the workshop participants on various rope and Shibari themes. These themes will be orientated to the experience and itnerests of the participants.
- Yoga + Shibari
- Self/Suspension
- Basic knots, rope work, and harnesses for beginners
- Improvisation, messy bondage, group play, and improvisation
- Friday 19th July,18-23h
- Saturday 20th July,12-19h
- Sunday21st July,12-19h
- €120/90 for entire workshop
- €90 for two days
- Non-refundable deposit of € 50 to reserve a place
Workshop 2: Yoga & Shibari Tuesday evening 23rd July
This four-hour evening workshop is for those who would like to try out, and for all those who simply would like an evening of Yoga & Shibari as we do in the regular Berlin classes.
Date, Time, & Cost:
- Tuesday, 23rdJuly,19-23h
- €20/15
Workshop 3: Private Classes
For those who would like individual, couple, or small group private sessions, classes, and training, these will be possible to arrange from July 22nd-27th. The cost starts from €80 for 3 hours, after discussion.
Information: workshops@dasniyasommer.de
Shibari Dojo Vienna
Robert-Hamerling-Gasse 25/17
1150 Wien, Österreich
Google Map
Contact & Registration:
judy37@gmx.net – Shibari Dojo Vienna for more information and registration
Dasniya: workshops@dasniyasommer.de
Please write to us if you would like to attend but have difficulty with the full price.
Bring along, if you have:
- Yoga mat, blanket, yoga block
- Your rope
- Locking climbing carabiners
- Suspension ring
- Lunch for yourself, and snacks for the pauses (lunch is one hour)
- Loose training clothes (we also practice on bare skin if that is comfortable for you)
Download Information
Dasniya Sommer Vienna Yoga and Shibari Workshops, July 2013 (DE) .pdf